You Don’t Have To Wash Your Hair As Often!

If you want to wash your hair less often, you should take some advice to heart so that your hair is less greasy.

So you don't have to wash your hair as often!

If you have to wash your hair less often, you will be easier on your scalp and less stress on your hair. Long hair in particular will benefit if you have to wash your hair less often, as each hair wash dries out the lengths and ends of the hair. The scalp can also regenerate better this way.

Why do some people need to wash their hair less than others?

You have probably noticed that some people wash their hair less often than others. Everyone seems to have their own rhythm in which hair is washed because it gets greasy. Of course, everyone is different, but you too can manage to have to wash your hair less often.

How often you have to wash your hair often depends on the rhythm to which you have gotten used to your hair. If you have been used to having to wash your hair every day for a long time, your scalp and the sebum glands in it are also used to it.

wash your hair less often

What does the interval between hair washes depend on?

Daily hair washing constantly degreases the scalp and the sebum glands produce more sebum and skin oil to compensate for this condition. So your hair is greasy quickly and you actually have the feeling that you really have to wash your hair every day.

However, if you are used to washing your hair only every 3 or 4 days, your scalp is also used to this rhythm, the sebum glands produce accordingly more gently and less, so that your hair still looks good on the third day.

So it all depends on how often you have washed your hair so far, which shampoo you used and how you “raised” your scalp. But the good news: with patience, it is usually possible to break this vicious cycle more often and have to wash your hair less often. Try our tips!

Do not use hot water

If you put too hot water on your scalp, it becomes irritated and tries to compensate for this with increased production of sebum and skin oils. Opt for a water temperature that is only lukewarm that does not irritate or stress your scalp.

wash your hair less often

Use mild shampoo

The milder the shampoo and the milder the surfactants it contains, the better it is for your scalp. You can also try moisturizing hair soaps, which do not completely degrease the hair and scalp, but rather gently care for them while washing your hair.

Avoid using silicones

Hair care products that contain silicones wrap around your hair like a film, weighing it down. They are difficult to remove again, so that hair treated with silicone always feels a bit unwashed and no longer falls loose.

Therefore, in the best case scenario, use a very mild shampoo from a certified natural cosmetics brand, because silicones are generally forbidden in certified natural cosmetics. It may take a while to wash off the silicone layer. Specialized shampoos are also available from specialist hairdressers to remove silicone residues.

Woman wants to wash hair less often

Conditioner only into the ends of the hair

A useful and high-quality conditioner cares for your hair with natural oils and waxes and not with cheap silicones and petroleum components. You are already informed about the negative effects of silicones, but a hair conditioner made from natural cosmetics can also be used incorrectly and weigh down the hair.

If you want to wash your hair less often in the future, make sure that you only treat the hair lengths with conditioner or care cures, at the hairline the hair is already cared for by the scalp and would be over-cared for quickly.

Brush hair

Clean the comb and brush

Brushes, especially those made from natural bristles, are ideal for adding shine to your hair when brushing. Your hair is quasi “polished” and the sebum is also distributed thinly on the hair, which brings an additional care effect.

But that’s precisely why you should, if you want to lengthen the interval between two hair washes, regularly clean such brushes with a mild shampoo to remove such sebum and grease residues from the bristles. Even with combs and other brushes, this is generally not a bad idea.

Test dry shampoo

If you want to lengthen the rhythm in which you have to wash your hair and delay the next hair wash, you can try dry shampoo. There are various products on the market that are dusted or sprayed on.

The powder soaks up the grease from the hairline and you can brush it out thoroughly after a short exposure time. The solution is not ideal because it can also dry out the scalp a bit, but it is still better than a “real” hair wash with hot water and lots of shampoo.

We make these 8 mistakes in the shower every day.

You can do it without shampoo!

The “no poo” trend is currently haunted by the Internet: washing hair without any shampoo. What sounds unusual at first, actually works! Not overnight, of course, but if you slowly get used to it, your scalp will adjust to the situation and produce less sebum and fats, so lukewarm water is sufficient for washing your hair.

But it is a long way to get there and requires a lot of patience. First of all, it is enough if you train yourself to a rhythm that leads to about 2 hair washes per week so that you have to wash your hair less often. Hold on, it’s worth it!

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