With This Delicious Banana Shake Against Belly Fat

Did you know that bananas are not only rich in fiber, potassium and antioxidants, but also ensure a regular digestion, cleanse the intestines and fill you up?

With this delicious banana shake against belly fat

Belly fat has always been one of the biggest problems when it comes to achieving your dream figure. This  banana shake could help.

And now there are certainly some people who have a corresponding genetic predisposition.

But the majority of people who complain about their belly fat could get much closer to their goal with an appropriately adapted diet and some exercise.

Plus, extra pounds are a problem not only in beauty issues, but also in health matters.

Those who accumulate more and more fat are at a higher risk for the diseases of civilization diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnea and a variety of other chronic diseases.

Fortunately, it’s never too late to do something about the extra pounds. In fact, there are a lot of things we can do about belly fat and other love handles.

The most important thing is to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. It shouldn’t be extremely high in calories, but it shouldn’t be very restrictive at all. Regular exercise and adequate sleep are further pillars of a healthy life.

We can supplement these with a few extras , for example with delicious shakes, with which we supply our body with many important nutrients, stimulate the metabolism and prevent food cravings.

What are the benefits of this banana shake against belly fat?

Belly fat

This is a typical smoothie: a drink that provides only a few calories, but plenty of fiber, vitamins and minerals, all of which are extremely good for the body.

The recipe we’re introducing today uses banana, ginger, and flaxseed – all ingredients that weight loss readers should be familiar with .

In the following, we will present the advantages of the individual ingredients so that it becomes even clearer what this shake is good for.

Benefits of the banana


Bananas are amazing fruits from a nutritional point of view. They provide the body with significant amounts of fiber, potassium and antioxidants.

They only contain natural sugar and allow their consumers to improve their physical and mental performance.

It has been proven that regular consumption of bananas ensures healthy digestion. For example, the absorption of nutrients is improved and the excretion of metabolic end products and toxins is stimulated.

One serving provides between 100 and 108 kcal, which corresponds to about 18 g of complex carbohydrates. With the help of these nutrients, the metabolism and thus the energy consumption can be stimulated and weight loss becomes easier.

Benefits of ginger

Ginger root is a very well-known and popular spice, but it is not only used in cooking, but also in alternative medicine.

It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is used to treat a wide variety of ailments, including those affecting the digestive tract.

All of these effects can also be used by those who would like to lose weight. Anyone who consumes ginger also stimulates their metabolism, stimulates blood circulation and promotes detoxification of the organism.

It has been proven that ginger inhibits appetite. Those who seldom go through to their next meal without snacking will particularly benefit from this.

Ginger itself is quite low in calories and can versatile used in the preparation of teas, shakes, soups and many other dishes.

Flaxseed Benefits


Flaxseed became world famous a while ago for its ability to burn belly fat without going hungry.

Flax seeds contain carbohydrates and omega-3 fatty acids. They fill you up in the long term and increase energy consumption.

As if that weren’t enough, the natural oils contained in flaxseed also protect the stomach, preventing the formation of mucosal erosions and ulcers.

How is this banana shake prepared against too much belly fat?

banana shake

This banana shake is an ideal addition to a healthy, balanced diet for anyone trying to reduce belly fat.

The consumption of this drink satisfies hunger and supports the digestive function. This combined effect helps you lose weight.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • ¼ teaspoon ginger in powder form
  • 2 tbsp flaxseed
  • 1 orange
  • ½ cup natural yogurt (125 g)
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil (5 g)
  • 2 tbsp serum protein


  • Put all the ingredients together in the blender and then process them into a creamy drink on the highest level.
  • Drink it on an empty stomach or half an hour before exercise.
  • We recommend drinking this banana shake at least three times a week.

Always remember that this banana shake is not a magic bullet. It can neither compensate for an unhealthy diet nor a lack of exercise and its effect is also individually different, because it depends on your own metabolism.

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