Why Do I Wake Up Tired?

Do you often wake up tired even though you have slept late? What are the reasons for this? There are numerous factors that can make you feel tired in the morning. Bad habits, stress or illness could be the causes. Find out more about this topic today. 

Why do I wake up tired?

If you  wake up tired  even though you have slept late, something is wrong. There are numerous causes for this and you should definitely get to the bottom of them, because fatigue affects your performance and your daily routine. If you are already feeling limp and exhausted in the morning, you absolutely have to do something about it!

Often, insomnia is not the cause of morning exhaustion. Maybe you slept long enough and deeply, but  you are still tired the next day. If this happens frequently, get a medical exam!

Why do I wake up tired?

You probably know that the organism goes through different sleep cycles during the night. Even if we are very adaptable, the  body and mind are more efficient when we lead a regular life with stable patterns. Because lifestyle habits also have a very strong effect on nighttime relaxation and morning fatigue.

If you get up at 7 a.m. every day and are in bed before 9 a.m.,  but change this routine at the weekend, your body will lose its rhythm. In this case, you can wake up tired the next morning, even if you’ve got enough sleep.

Normally we go through five sleep cycles during the night, each of which lasts 90 minutes. Each cycle is divided into four phases. If sleep times change, it is very possible that you wake up at the wrong time and that the sleep cycle has not yet ended. As a result, you wake up tired.

sleep disorders

tired from sleep apnea

Sleep disorders are often responsible for our being tired the next day. If you often have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you may not be fit the next day.

Even sleep is a common problem that leads to fatigue. During sleep, there are repeated short pauses in breathing. Then of course you feel tired the next day, because those affected often have the feeling that they haven’t slept properly at all.

Ingestion of various substances

Certain substances, such as alcohol, affect the quality of sleep. It sounds paradoxical: although alcohol makes you sleepy, it prevents deep sleep afterwards. Certain medications, particularly sedatives, can have similar consequences.

Not to be forgotten is another very popular enemy of sleep: coffee. In the morning, coffee is a very helpful pick-me-up. But in the evenings he has trouble sleeping. You should therefore stop drinking coffee five hours before going to bed!

Tired of psychological problems

Sometimes we wake up tired because we go to bed with worries, problems, and difficult decisions. The evening is the worst time to think about worries and problems, because it only disturbs our sleep. This creates nervousness at night and disturbs the night’s sleep. 

Stress does not make us sleep soundly. We are thereby attentive and do not achieve a deep sleep. That’s why we wake up quickly and are then exhausted the next day. In this case, relaxation techniques can help.

Tired of psychological problems

Other reasons for tiredness in the morning

Poor sleep hygiene also has negative consequences and leads to fatigue: Too much light, noise or high temperatures, for example, impair the night’s sleep  In addition, the habits during the day also play an important role. Various studies have shown that screen devices disrupt sleep before going to bed. You should also avoid lavish foods and too much sugar in the evening. If there is a lack of exercise, the quality of sleep is usually also poor.

Gut microbiota issues can also negatively impact sleep. Because this can affect the hormonal balance and the release of neurotransmitters, which are necessary for a restful sleep. If the gut microbiota is not healthy, restful sleep is usually more difficult to achieve.

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