Whining Can Cause Surprising Damage

A negative attitude can have an impact on your own well-being and that of those around you. Find out more about the harmful effects that whining can have and change something!

Whining can cause surprising damage

Physical health is one of the most important aspects of a happy and fulfilling life. However, whining can cause surprising damage, read which ones are!

Health is very volatile, because a wide variety of habits, whether simple or complex, can have a strong positive or negative influence.

Constantly whining about something is an example of such a habit. Even if some claim not to be so, discouraging statements affect our health,  both that of the sender and that of the recipient.

Many people do not even notice when they whine or complain. They just do it out of habit. Others do it on purpose. Either way, whining is a way of torturing one’s environment with negativity.

A habit that affects your health

There are innumerable habits that are unhealthy for the body. Among these, tobacco and alcohol consumption and a lack of exercise stand out.

They are all toxic to our health. However, there are also habits that we are less aware of.

Whining is one of them.

To be constantly stuck in negative thoughts and to communicate these to others is on the one hand uncomfortable for the environment, but on the other hand also for yourself. Many often do not want to admit this.

The effects of negativity on the brain

Whining can cause surprising damage - negativity brain

Our brain is programmed to store information, thoughts, data, experiences and feelings. Unfortunately, it doesn’t differentiate between good and bad memories. As a result, the most repetitive actions are easiest for us. Accordingly, these are often negative.

Most of the time, however, you don’t even notice that constant negativity affects the main organ of the nervous system. Little by little, the brain gets used to these types of thoughts. These can then be accessed more easily in the future.

Brain function

Our brain function consists of a large number of synapses (neural connections), the task of which is to pass on information. As soon as you have a thought or an idea, they are activated, supported by an electrical impulse.

  • With each repetition, certain synapses are strengthened.
  • If we keep having negative thoughts, the brain restructures.

So the result is that these thoughts become very easily accessible to the neural reflexes.

So incessant whining is like destroying yourself from within. You are affecting your physical health.

Secondary health effects of whining

Whining can cause surprising damage - secondary effects

Not only the central nervous system is affected by a negative attitude. This bad habit changes other parts of the body as well.

Areas like the heart and digestion also suffer from significant consequences. The likelihood of diseases such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure increases.

If you always complain, the entire immune system suffers.

This is where cortisol comes in. The adrenal gland releases this hormone during stressful moments.

If the distribution increases many times over, this disrupts the immune system and further problems arise.

The consequence of negative people in the environment

A lot of people make criticism a hobby. This can range from society in general to simple things like your clothes. If criticism is used to grow from it, it is by no means bad. 

However, criticism and negativity go hand in hand. Together they form a combination that does not bring anything good.

Your health is not only affected by whining. Surrounding yourself with negative people also plays a big part in this.

In most people’s brains, complaints and sadness are mixed together.  The brain then tries to adapt its activities and strengthen itself.

This includes, for example, showing no interest in a situation. Out of sheer compassion, the main organ of the nervous system seeks the cause of the sadness and wailing.

Not only negative shapes us, even  G lück can be divided to trigger good feelings. 

Feelings and emotions

Whining can cause surprising harm - feelings and emotions

Humans are soulful and emotional beings. Because of this, it is also impossible to avoid sadness, melancholy or fear. However, at best you should keep your balance.

Each step should be taken with calm and maturity. When you are in a period of sadness, you need to bring yourself to live and leave this situation behind.

It’s a great idea to go through the world without hurting others. Do your best to make your life as positive as possible. Your health will thank you. 

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