What Does Nail Biting Say About Personality?

Some people do not manage to get rid of this habit all their life, others only bite their nails in stressful, stressful phases.

What does nail biting say about personality?

What does nail biting say about you? A habit that can be traced back to nervousness and is closely related to the inner world of emotions.

Some people do not manage to get rid of this habit all their life, others only bite their nails during stressful, stressful phases.

The persistence of nail biting

In this post, we address this annoying habit that in some people goes so far that they cannot do various activities because of the constant need to put their fingers in their mouths.

This disease is known as  onychophagia. Those affected are ashamed of their hands and hardly dare to show them. 50% of the population, mostly women, suffer from this problem.

Most people start biting their nails between the ages of 10 and 18, although some suffer from it for their entire life. This problem goes far beyond the aesthetic aspect.

Most who try topical treatments fail. Why? The causes of onychophagia are to blame, namely feelings of fear, nervousness, depression, stress, boredom, worries and problems, grief, etc.

chewing finger nails

Nervous or negative habits usually begin with an almost unnoticed change in everyday life. Once you get used to this, it is repeated more and more often. The main cause of nail biting is not being aware of it.

Those affected do not even notice it until someone draws their attention to it or the nail biting goes so far that it hurts. It is an automatic response to a problem, a kind of “valve” to vent feelings and worries.

The people close to you are also affected by this problem. Even if you make the sufferer aware of it in the beginning, you will get used to it over time and will no longer be bothered by this habit.

The nail biters, in turn, associate the habit with various activities such as watching television, reading, speaking, etc.

What are the causes of nail biting?

Psychologists have compiled a list of the main causes of  onychophagia . These also reveal more about the personality of those affected.


With stress, hectic, worries and fears, the nails are often chewed. The need to find a way out unconsciously drives those affected into this habit. Biting your nail has a calming effect on the nerves.

brittle nails


Those who have nothing to do and are bored also like to bite their nails. This habit  stimulates the nervous system,  which helps, for example, not to fall asleep.


People who bite nails can look at them many times a day and inspect them for irregularities. If they find one, they have a reason to chew on it. This habit is also harmful to teeth, hands, and skin.


Many children bite their nails because their parents have this habit. In patients up to 18 years of age, onychophagia  can be  caused by anxiety, tics, hyperactivity, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Psychosomatic causes

In many cases, they bite their nails to inflict injury and pain on themselves. This can happen, for example, in violent families or with overly strict upbringing, and is a way of attracting attention.

Feelings and emotions

Shyness and low self-esteem, pain from divorce, or grief from a family death can also lead to nail biting.

As soon as the person concerned feels more secure and familiar with himself and his surroundings, this habit can disappear.

Interesting facts about children with  onychophagia 

A recent study found that young nail bites have fewer social skills than children who don’t bite their nails. These circumstances affect 45% of children in industrialized countries (10% of adults).

It is a nervous disorder that borders on an anxiety state  and has negative consequences for both the body and self-esteem.

Various triggers can lead to unconscious nail biting, which becomes an automatic reflex. The children do not feel that they are harming themselves. Experts point out that it is very difficult to get rid of this habit.

Problems at school, such as bullying, poor performance, etc. or unfavorable living conditions can also be triggers for nail biting.

In times of stress, nervousness, fear or personal dissatisfaction, the nails often have to believe in it – this is a way of breaking out of difficult situations.

Even if it is not a serious problem, especially if it is treated in good time, psychological help should definitely be sought, especially for children under 10 years of age.

This bad habit is often broken when children are ashamed to show their hands, and girls often stop around the age of 13 as soon as they start caring about their looks and painting their nails.

As mentioned earlier, it is often a social problem. Children who feel sad and isolate are more at risk of suffering from it. It is a vicious circle, because children often withdraw even more because of the unsightly fingers.

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