What Do The Colors On The Toothpaste Tube Mean?

We often ignore the various notes on everyday products. The marking on the toothpaste tube does not give any information about the ingredients, how often it is mistakenly distributed.

What do the colors on the toothpaste tube mean?

One hears again and again that the small colored strip at the end of the toothpaste tube contains secret information and provides information about the composition of the toothpaste it contains.

Yet this is a fictional fairy tale . It is a false report. As is so often the case, many people share them on social networks. However, nobody questions whether this is really true.

In this post, you will learn what the color markings really mean. 

The rumor, which spreads as a chain letter via the social networks, would lead us to believe that the colored markings at the end of the toothpaste tube  indicate different ingredients: 

  • green = natural
  • blue = natural and medicinal
  • red = natural and chemical substances
  • black = only chemical substances

However, as mentioned earlier, this is one complete nonsense to whom no faith should be given. Then you will find out what is really behind these markings and why they should not be given great importance.

The squares on the toothpaste tube

Man brushes his teeth

The markings at the end of the toothpaste tube can also be found on other products such as tetra packs with milk and on biscuit or cereal boxes.

In technical jargon, these color squares are called registration marks or registration marks or tactile marks . These are necessary during production so that robots or optical sensors can recognize where the packaging has to be cut, folded or pressed.

The color of the registration marks is usually darker than the rest of the packaging. This is done so that the machines can do the brand better.

The toothpaste tubes are manufactured in a factory that works completely independently of the toothpaste manufacturer. For the packaging, long strips are first made, which are then adjusted to the desired filling quantity.

Thanks to the colored marking, the production machine can later see exactly where the end of each individual tube is.

What is actually in toothpaste?

And why are the markings different colors? The color is unimportant and has no meaning. Each manufacturer decides which color they want to use for which product. 

Different products have different colored squares to make traceability easier and easier to find errors.

So if you get a chain letter with this nonsense about the meaning of the color tags, save the time and invest it in better reading.

Incidentally, this urban fairy tale triggered numerous inquiries from dental experts. Even with products in the kitchen or bathroom, you can see on the packaging that the colors do not reveal anything about the ingredients.

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