To Give Yourself And Other People Space Is An Act Of Wisdom

Everyone needs their space to develop. Take this space and give it to others!

Leaving space for yourself and other people is an act of wisdom

Else around you space let to unfold itself is an act that should always be based on reciprocity. Because only when everyone has space to unfold their wings can we fly together …

Leave space instead of taking it!

You yourself need your space , freedom to develop yourself, to implement your ideas and to transform your life into something that makes you happy.

Make this concession to people around you too! Allow them to make their own decisions.

Even if you decided otherwise, because it is their freedom, not yours, in which others develop! Give them the freedom to do their own thing, do not interfere, but use the time to occupy yourself with yourself.

Take your own space

It can happen that people try to get into ours. Try to take this space away from us in order to expand their space in ours.

This happens when they influence you and your life, begin to determine things for us and thus gradually shrink ours.

Don’t let that happen! Take as much as you need to develop yourself, to become happy and to live out your personality! Don’t let anyone take that away from you, but be sure to allow all other people to do the same!


Develop your own voice

“Taking space” and also giving it is of course not meant in the physical sense that you do not allow anyone to get close to you physically. This is the soul, the one you need to be yourself and not what others would like to see in you.

Use it to raise your own voice, express your opinion and defend your values.

Grow wings to fly to your dreams. And if you confess the same to others, you will see: you will fly together towards your dreams through your happiness!

Everyone in the family should have their own in order to develop themselves, including the children!

At the same time, create a family that you use together, in which you as a family can all come together with your ideas, interests and personalities in order to develop together as a family.

Couple room for two

What applies to families also applies to couples.

In order to develop yourself into happy people, take and give each other the necessary space.

But also create and take one in which you work together on your goals and dreams, in which you develop your togetherness and thereby lead a happy relationship.

This common space must be completely independent of that of the individual couple, everyone still needs their privacy, in which they want to do what is important for their own personal development. Not “everything and always together”, but “everyone for himself and yet together”.


Nobody is allowed in

Your personal space belongs only to you! In it you then keep the following things, among other things, in order to develop and unfold them:

  • Your self-confidence
  • Your values
  • Your dreams
  • Your pride
  • Your self-image

Never allow anyone to enter this, your room at some point in order to steal or change any of your treasures stored there!

Build walls and secure yourself from unauthorized access, this room belongs only to you – with everything you keep in it!

Do not let anyone take your self-confidence, change your values, let your dreams burst or destroy your self-image! And respect that these rules also apply to all fellow human beings, so you have to make these concessions to everyone else too!

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