Tips To Get The Morning Grouch Going

Tomorrow grouch have a hard time, but they can make it easier

Tips to get the morning grouch going

Morning grouches have difficulty getting going in the morning. They feel they cannot have breakfast, they feel lethargic in the morning and it is difficult to wake up.

It’s not always easy if you are a morning grouch, too . Especially if you have to be fit early for your job.

There are tricks to get fitter in the morning!

Morning grouch and the internal clock

Those who are not fit in the morning usually have their most active time in the evening when they can work productively and effectively while others are still sleeping.

This property is given by nature. There are day and night active people, but our daily rhythm is only geared towards day people.

Anyone who is a night owl has difficulties with it and automatically becomes a morning grouch. It is simply “not your time” in the morning. With these tips it will be a little easier for you!

Alarm clock

Set the alarm 30 minutes earlier

It sounds brutal, but it’s effective. Just half an hour more in the morning will help you and your entire organism to get going and get ready for the day. Just 30 minutes more in the morning will de-stress the day and give you time to really wake up.

Water for the morning grouch

Have a glass of water on the edge of the bed

Before you really get up, straighten up and sit on the edge of the bed. This will slowly get your circulation going.

Then pour yourself a glass of water and drink it slowly. Always have enough water available in the evening so that you don’t have to get up and give your body the chance to slowly start up.

During the night, when you sleep, you lose a lot of fluid through your breath and skin. The water immediately compensates for the first fluid deficit that arose during the night. This stimulates the circulation and facilitates blood flow.

This not only wakes you up, but also your entire organism from within and prepares your digestive tract for breakfast.

You should also drink enough at breakfast: A large cup of tea, for example, helps to bring the fluid balance into balance in the morning! Do not get up until you have emptied the glass. Then your circulation is stable enough.


Open the windows;

Open the window and take a deep breath of the fresh air of the still fresh day. Do you have a balcony or a terrace? All the better! Consciously enjoy the still cool morning air, feel how the fresh oxygen flows through your body and wakes each of your cells.

Breathe deeply into your lungs and wake up your spirits with fresh air! Leave the windows open for 10 minutes and fill your home with fresh, oxygen-rich air!



It doesn’t have to be a marathon that you run in the morning, but some light exercise will get your circulation going in a gentle way. Start the exercise unit with extensive lounging in order to give your circulation the opportunity to slowly get going.

Then move on to light stretches and simple gymnastics. Do you know yoga? All the better! Do a few exercises every morning – and your circulation is fit and alert before you leave the house! It’s best to move around while the windows are open!


Morning grouch: eat something!

No engine runs without fuel. If you don’t give your muscle motor and your brain any fuel (carbohydrates!) By skipping breakfast, you don’t have to be surprised if you are weak and “grumpy for the morning”!

A balanced breakfast is the best way to start the day.

Even if you don’t have time for gymnastics, you should never leave the house without breakfast! Are you not a breakfast guy? You only think this! Get used to eating breakfast in the morning.

Do not start “from zero to one hundred” with a sumptuous breakfast, but gradually work your way up to a complete, balanced meal with some fruit, a toast or dairy product.

You know, Grandma was right when she said: “In the morning like an emperor, at noon like a king and in the evening like a beggar!”

By the way: Statistically speaking, people who skip breakfast are more overweight than people who follow Grandma’s advice!

Light on!

Bright light, especially sunlight, signals “Hello awake” to the body. Therefore, open curtains and blinds, turn on the lights everywhere to make your home as bright as possible. In the open air, consciously look towards the sun and thereby give your body the signal “it is day”.

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