Tips For A Better Quality Of Sleep During The Quarantine

Quarantine creates fear and stress in many cases. This is why sleep disorders are also very common. For this reason, we are explaining to you today how you can improve the quality of your sleep. 

Tips for a better quality of sleep during the quarantine

The corona pandemic is forcing many people around the world to stay at home, which has psychological and emotional effects and, among other things, can lead to sleep disorders. Today’s tips for  better sleep quality can help you in this case. 

Restrictions on movement and quarantine are important to prevent infection and to protect yourself and others from Covid-19. This is how we can prevent the health system from collapsing. But this situation interrupts our daily routine and with it our sleeping habits.

Many people suffer from insomnia, which has a very negative impact on  their quality of life. This topic should therefore be taken seriously. Then we define what a healthy sleep is and explain how you can improve the quality of your sleep during the quarantine.

Read on to find out more about this topic!

How can healthy sleep be defined?

Experts from the Sociedad Española del Sueño (Spanish Society for Sleep Research) recommend different sleep times depending on your age. On the other hand, the need for sleep also varies individually. A healthy sleep is guaranteed  when the person can relax and regenerate properly. 

In general, it is best to get 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day. In children this time increases to 10 hours.

better quality of sleep in quarantine
The need for sleep is different for each person and depends, among other things, on age. In general, 7 to 8 hours a day is recommended.

Which symptoms indicate sleep disorders?

Poor quality sleep leads to various health problems over time. In the short term, the symptoms don’t seem to be worse than fatigue the next day. However, various health risks can arise in the medium and long term.

An article published in the journal Nature and Science of Sleep lists the following effects from sleep disorders:

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Difficulty thinking clearly or remembering certain things
  • Bad mood, nervousness, or irritability
  • Lack of motivation or lack of general interest
  • More common mistakes, accidents
  • Worrying about lack of sleep or trouble sleeping
  • Higher risk of non-communicable chronic diseases such as cardiovascular complaints, diabetes, obesity.
  • Cognitive decline

How can I get a better quality of sleep? General tips

There are many factors that affect the quality of sleep. However, a few simple recommendations and changing habits are generally very helpful  in achieving healthy and repairing sleep. We will go into more detail later.

Better sleep quality through regulated sleep times

  • It is advisable to adhere to regular sleep times even during quarantine: Always get up at the same time and go to bed at the same time!
  • You should only stay in bed until you are rested and then get up.
  • If you have trouble falling asleep, don’t stay in bed. Get up and go to sleep a little later.

Relaxing environment

  • Create a restful, dark and calm atmosphere, without any annoying objects related to your work or other obligations that could cause stress.
  • Banish cell phones and other display devices from the bedroom.
  • Before going to bed, you should solve your problems as much as possible.

Diet and other habits for better quality sleep

  • Avoid consuming tea, coffee, or any other caffeinated drink or food in the afternoon, evening, and night.
  • You should also avoid alcohol in the afternoon and evening.
  • You shouldn’t smoke, especially in the afternoon and evening.
  • It’s best to have dinner 2 hours before going to bed.
  • Get used to a relaxing routine that you do before bed each day.

Physical activities for a better quality of sleep

  • You should exercise several times a week, including during quarantine at home.
  • However, avoid exercising right before you go to bed.

How can I improve the quality of my sleep despite the quarantine?

The general tips for better quality sleep that we have already seen are very helpful. However, there are other factors to consider during the quarantine in order to be able to guarantee a healthy sleep. Some of them may not be that easy to implement, but all of them are very useful.

First we need to identify which habits have changed during the quarantine:

  • We do not have a strict schedule (children have no school or extracurricular activities, adults no regular working hours)
  • In addition, it is not possible for us to leave the house.
  • Due to the corona pandemic, we have new worries (e.g. fear about the job, about loved ones …)
  • We also spend more time in front of screens
  • and move much less than in normal times.
Better quality of sleep in quarantine
Pre-sleep relaxation techniques are very helpful in managing negative emotions that arise in quarantine.

Recommendations for adjusting to the time at home

Regular times and habits are also essential at home:

  • The timing should be similar to a normal work or school day. Because that’s how you can organize your day well.
  • Try to stick to regular times as much as possible.
  • Use the first few hours of the day to exercise.
  • Don’t forget that you need natural light to stay healthy.
  • Limit the amount of time in front of screens at night and replace it with a relaxing routine that keeps you away from negative thoughts. We recommend meditation, a warm shower, an interesting book, or other relaxing habits.

When it comes to diet and physical activity, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The meal times should also be regulated. Avoid snacks and treats between meals.
  • You should exercise regularly and adapt to the space available to you.

A restful, healthy sleep enables you to bridge the time at home better  and at the same time improve your general well-being.

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