Tips Against Inflammation

Anyone looking for tips against inflammation is usually affected by arthritis and is looking for relief from the inflammation in the joints.

Tips against inflammation

Diet comes first among the anti-inflammatory tips. Because through food it is possible to increase certain anti-inflammatory parameters and help to contain inflammation.

Tips against inflammation

Your doctor will certainly also give you tips against inflammation , which you should implement in addition to the prescribed medication.

However, it is very important that you do not forget to take the prescribed medication according to the instructions!

Our tips against inflammation can only have a supportive effect and in no way replace medical therapy for arthritis, rheumatism and other inflammatory diseases.

However, it makes sense to integrate the tips against inflammation into your everyday life or into your diet.

Flaxseed oil

Consume more omega-3 fatty acids

The anti-inflammatory potential of omega-3 fatty acids has been researched in studies and recommended for joint inflammation such as arthritis, rheumatism and inflammatory bowel disease and asthma .

Omega-3 fatty acids are contained in linseed oil in a particularly good fatty acid ratio.

In contrast, olive oil, which has been widely praised by clever marketing, contains almost no omega-3 fatty acids at all.

Oils with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids are: linseed oil, chia oil, hemp oil, walnut oil, rapeseed oil and soybean oil. Oily sea fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids, but in a significantly lower concentration than the vegetable oils mentioned above.

Nice side effect: Omega 3 fatty acids also lower blood pressure and blood lipids, which is why it can prevent hardening of the arteries.

It is not only the intake of such essential fatty acids through our food that is decisive, but also that the ratio of these fatty acids to one another is optimal.

The higher the proportion of omega3 fatty acids and the lower the proportion of omega6 fatty acids, the more optimal the oil.

Domestic linseed oil has the highest omega3 content (1: 4)! If you don’t like the intense taste, you can also use rapeseed oil (1: 2) (or walnut oil (1: 6) or soybean oil (1: 7)), which are much healthier in their fatty acid proportions than the widespread sunflower oil (1: 122! !!), corn oil (1:54) or peanut oil (1:32).

Minced meat

Vegetarian diet

It has been scientifically proven that animal protein is, to a certain extent, pro-inflammatory rather than anti-inflammatory. When animal protein is broken down during digestion, substances are created that promote inflammatory processes in the body instead of dampening them.

The best anti-inflammatory diet is the vegan diet. However, since this type of diet is inconceivable for most arthritis and rheumatism patients, avoiding meat should be the first step towards reducing the consumption of animal protein.

Note that dairy products, like cheese, are also high in animal protein, as this is concentrated milk.

Eggs also contain, as the name suggests, a lot of animal protein. Occasionally an egg or a glass of milk are much more harmless than the daily consumption of meat.

Pineapple on cutting board


The pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which soothes inflammation and reduces swelling. Therefore, this active ingredient is also often recommended after dental or oral surgery interventions.

In order to absorb the necessary amount of bromelain, you have to incorporate a lot of pineapple into your diet, but the active ingredient is also available in concentrated form in tablet form.


A spice that is rather uncommon in Germany also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is turmeric, which is also called turmeric or incorrectly saffron root. You usually get it ground as an exotic spice. Turmeric gives food an intense yellow color and is much cheaper than saffron.

The taste is mildly spicy, which is why you can use it generously for seasoning against arthritis. The anti-inflammatory effects in knee arthritis have even been confirmed by studies. Important: the active ingredient from turmeric only works particularly well in combination with pepper! If you don’t like the taste: the pharmacist has capsules for you here too!

Papaya enzyme

The tropical Papaya contains enzymes to ensure, that inflammatory swelling decline, metabolic products are transported faster and inflammation be curbed.

Therefore, it is particularly suitable for arthritis.

anti-inflammatory foods

You notice: our tips against inflammation are ultimately tips for a healthy diet with high-quality vegetable oils and few animal products.

Fish oil is an exception, but this fatty acid ratio can easily be replaced by vegetable oils.

In order to contain inflammation in the joints, it is always important to put as little stress as possible on the inflammation. For knee joints, hips and ankles this means: lower your body weight!

The other tips against inflammation can be combined very well with the tip “lose weight”. When do you start implementing the anti-inflammatory tips?

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