Tingling Sensation In The Joints: Causes And Natural Treatment

For various reasons, a temporary tingling sensation can often occur, but it can also become chronic. In today’s article you will learn more about the causes and find various tips for prevention and treatment. 

Tingling sensation in the joints: causes and natural treatment

tingling sensation  in the joints can be a cause for concern. Often this uncomfortable feeling occurs in the morning after waking up, but it is often present continuously. If the  tingling sensation is  not caused by staying in an awkward position for too long,  you definitely need to get to the bottom of it! 

Structure of a joint

A joint is a connection between two or more bones or cartilaginous skeletal elements. It allows us to perform different movements.

Between the bones that form the joint there is cartilage tissue, a basic substance made up of specialized cells that ensures the low-friction mobility of the joints and functions as a shock absorber.

The joint capsule encloses the entire joint and releases the synovial fluid inwards. Ligaments and muscles provide the necessary stabilization of the joints.

Healthy joints are essential for an active life!

Causes of tingling sensation in the joints

Tingling sensation in the elbow

Various diseases can affect joint health. In the beginning, there is very often a tingling sensation in the hands, feet, arms or legs.

Sometimes this uncomfortable feeling goes away quickly. In this case, the organism itself has solved the problem. In other cases, however, the tingling sensation becomes chronic and is present all the time or very often. In this case, a medical examination and treatment is necessary.

Diseases that can cause the joints to tingle

Then we name some of the most important diseases that can cause tingling in the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can make you feel tingly
  • This leads to swelling in one or more joints, usually the fingers, arms and knees are affected.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis usually occurs between the ages of 30 and 60. This condition is more common in women than in men. It is a worldwide ailment.
  • People with rheumatoid arthritis have limited mobility. After the tingling sensation, more intense pain can also occur.
  • If calcium crystals collect in the joint, a tingling sensation can occur. The cartilage tissue is weakened and slowly worn away, the pain increases.
  • Wrists, knees and fin joints are particularly  affected,  but injuries to any other joint can also occur. Often this disease occurs as a result of a thyroid disorder.
  • It is very uncomfortable, but it does not destroy the joint.


Osteomyelitis, or inflammation of the bone marrow, is caused by bacteria or fungi. This inflammation starts in the bone marrow but can spread to other parts of the bone. The pathogens reach the bones via the blood and cause injuries.

One of the initial symptoms is a tingling sensation, but over time the pain becomes more intense. This disease is treated with antibiotics. Both children and adults can suffer from it.


  • Systemic lupus erythematosus is one of the autoimmune diseases, which means that the organism itself attacks healthy tissue.
  • The tingling sensation in the joints is one of the most common symptoms. It indicates that the bone or cartilage tissue is being attacked by this disease.
  • There is unfortunately no definitive cure, but the disease can be controlled.

Recommendations for prevention against joint problems

Joint discomfort and tingling sensation during exercise

Diet plays an important role in prevention. Certain foods provide nutrients that can help prevent joint discomfort. 

  • Omega 3 is very effective against inflammation  and delays the wear and tear of the cartilage tissue. For example, cold water fish and flaxseed are high in omega-3 fatty acids. A dietary supplement can also help.
  • Celery has a strong diuretic and antioxidant effect. It is of great use in a detoxification cure and supports the remineralization of the organism. Celery should not be missing from your diet. Use celery sticks for salads, smoothies, or teas.
  • Stinging nettles have cleansing properties that help relieve arthritis symptoms. You can use it to prepare various dishes, make a tea, or use a tincture with alcohol for external treatment.
  • Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. You can use it to make tea or season various dishes.

A healthy diet is very important in preventing various diseases. 

If you feel a tingling sensation in your joints, you should get a medical exam. The earlier a problem is identified, the better it can be treated.

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