This Is What Happens In Your Body When You Are Not Bathing

What happens in your body when you are not bathing is a result of changes that mainly affect the skin. The most common clinical form of these conditions is called dermatosis neglecta.

This is what happens in your body when you are not bathing

What happens in your body if you don’t bathe for several days is well known. It’s not just a myth that odor and skin infections result from poor hygiene. Science has researched these effects and identified them as a pathology also known as dermatosis neglecta

We have to know that microorganisms continuously colonize the skin. This flora in the epidermis is made up of bacteria and fungi. The bacteria belong to different species and vary according to climate and age.

The skin flora fulfills various functions and personal hygiene is involved in this process. If you don’t bathe,  the positive balance of bacteria and fungi can change and this can lead to uncontrolled reproduction.

In the case of inadequate personal hygiene, pathogenic microorganisms have an easier time. Ultimately, it makes us more susceptible to harmful bacteria and fungi.

Changes in your body when you are not bathing

If you don’t bathe for several days, your body will begin to change. Most changes are external and focus on the skin, but metabolism can also change.

The following changes can often be observed:

  • Slowing down of the metabolism: A shower or a bath stimulates the internal cell processes. The metabolism increases with our hygiene, as it is stimulated to generate energy. Conversely, without proper hygiene, the energetic processes slow down.
  • Dead tissue buildup: Washing is used to remove dead cells from the epidermis. This allows the new cells to take their place, which also reduces sebum production. This is very important for people with acne.
  • Skin Infections : As mentioned earlier, if your body is not cleansed, it will encourage the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms. One clinical form that we will come to later is dermatosis neglecta .
  • Bad Smell:  If you don’t bathe regularly, your skin will start to smell bad. Sweat is often seen as the cause of unpleasant smells, but this is not the source. A lack of body baths leads to the spread of bacteria that are not part of the normal skin flora. These bacteria collect and store dead cell debris, which then rot. That’s where the smell comes from.
What happens to your body when you don't bathe

When you’re not bathing: Dermatosis neglecta

Relatively recently, in 1987, some researchers described this pathology. It is not a new disease, but more and more studies are being conducted into these types of problems.

When dermatosis neglecta , comes to it, if you do not bathe regularly, pigmented coatings appear on the skin. These coverings have fibers and a high concentration of sebum. The main cause is poor hygiene.

Poor hygiene does not always have to do with laziness or a lack of interest in personal appearance. In the case of psychological pathologies, for example, a lack of hygiene is due to the mental state of the patient. There are also areas of the body around surgical scars that are not cleaned because of the pain associated with that area.

Another clinical form is terra firma-type dermatosis . The main difference is the age at which it occurs. With terra firma-like dermatosis  , those affected are adolescents who neglect their hygiene due to their own behavioral changes typical of the phase and poor hygiene habits.

Apart from the appearance of deposits, there are no symptoms of dermatosis neglecta.  The bad smell accompanies the skin changes because of the accumulation of cell debris and the bacteria that multiply there. Treatment consists of nothing more than washing, antibiotics are not required.

What happens to your body when you don't bathe

It is also not good to bathe too much

As described, pathogens have an easy job if you don’t take a bath. But we also know that excessive bathing can be counterproductive e. A balanced equilibrium is ideal.

Excessive showering is one of the causes of dermatitis. This can manifest itself as excessive flaking of the skin, which impairs its protective function.

In addition, we usually use chemical products in the bathroom, such as soap, gel and shampoos, which are not without their effects. The skin reacts to these compositions and side effects can occur. 


A variety of skin reactions can occur when you don’t bathe. More than three days without showering can be harmful, as the normal skin flora changes and this leads to unpleasant odors.

However, you shouldn’t be obsessed with bathing too often either. It is important to find the right balance for good personal hygiene.

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