This Helps Against Period Pains

Period pains are part of everyday life for many women who struggle once a month to get through menstruation. There is a remedy!

This helps against period pain

Menstrual pain and other menstrual cramps are part of everyday life for many menstruating women and are often difficult to understand for men. Find out today what you can do about period pain  and when to see a doctor. 

Are period pains inevitable?

Menstrual period pain is natural, but sometimes a sign of endometriosis. If you feel that your pain is greater than that of your friends, make sure to discuss this with your gynecologist, because it could be endometriosis.

During the menstrual period, the unneeded mucous membrane of the uterus is shed and excreted.

The muscles pull together so that the mucous membrane that has been shed can also detach itself from the uterus. This leads to cramp-like pain, especially in the first two days of your period.

The pain results from two mechanisms: on the one hand, the contracting muscles can hurt, on the other hand, the uterus is poorly supplied with blood due to the contraction and also causes pain.

To make matters worse, many women react to this pain with cramping of the entire abdominal muscles, which also creates new pain – or exacerbates existing ones. What can you do? We have tips for you!

Massage for menstrual pain

Because many women unconsciously cramp their lower backs during their periods, a massage is especially good now. If you have the opportunity to have a massage in the fitness or wellness studio, you should schedule the appointments for the first few days of your period.

A heat treatment, for example with infrared, makes the muscles even more soft before the massage.

Warmth for menstrual pain


External warmth relaxes the muscles. She can gently relax again and ensure that the pain subsides.

In the evening, a warm full bath helps to fall asleep better, to relieve cramps and to loosen tense muscles.

During the day you can put a hot water bottle in the back of your chair or on your stomach. Electric heat pillows or traditional grain pillows also work well.

If all of this is too complicated for you at work because you are physically active, try heat patches ! There are those that only generate superficial warmth. These have capsaicin, a component of the chilli pod, as the active ingredient. This irritates the skin, which leads to surface heat. This is NOT what you need!

There is also a second type of heat patch. These work with thin iron filings that react with the oxygen in the air and release heat during oxidation.

This warmth goes deep through your skin and works just like a hot water bottle! After about eight hours the effect wears off – but by then you are on your way home, towards the bathtub …

Do not smoke

Nicotine has a vasoconstricting effect, thus reducing blood flow and thereby increasing menstrual pain. As you know, not smoking brings many other health benefits as well.

Perhaps the negative effect of cigarettes on period pain persuades you to finally quit smoking?

Balanced diet for weight loss

Right nutrition

Studies show: women who eat a balanced diet rich in all important nutrients suffer less often and less pronounced from menstrual pain.

The reason for this is the magnesium and potassium content of many natural foods, or the negative effects of processed foods such as fast food and ready-made meals on the potassium-magnesium balance of humans.

These minerals are important for the correct transmission of stimuli from nerve and muscle cells. Everyone knows: a magnesium deficiency can lead to cramps!

Sufficient vitamin B6 also stabilizes the nerves and their transmission of stimuli. Unfortunately, it is of no use to only eat healthy and balanced food during your period, this has to happen in the long term for the period pain to go away!

Diet for menstrual pain

Watch out for magnesium

Many women do not get enough magnesium through their diet.

Nutritional ideas in which this or that food is avoided, unhealthy diets, FdH and the “pill” ensure that many women suffer from a hidden magnesium deficiency.

It should be around 600mg of magnesium per day in addition, so that the mineral has a relieving effect on menstrual cramps. Try it!

Important: read the label carefully so that you know how many effervescent tablets meet your needs!

Learn relaxation techniques

Stress can make menstrual pain worse. Women who are not balanced and are under psychological stress suffer more often from menstrual pain than balanced women who “rest in themselves” – despite stress.

Try to learn strategies to cope better with stress and strain. You don’t just benefit from it in terms of period pain!

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