Things To Know About Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is a malignant tumor in the thyroid gland that can often be recognized by a painless enlargement of the thyroid gland that can be felt on the neck. 

Interesting facts about thyroid cancer

Cancer is a collective term for various diseases that result from the uncontrolled proliferation of malignant cells. If the tumor forms in the thyroid gland, it is called thyroid cancer. The thyroid is responsible for releasing hormones that are very important for metabolism, heart rhythm, body temperature and blood pressure.

Statistics from the Global Cancer Observatory (GCO) show that 3.2 percent of all new cancers diagnosed worldwide in 2018 developed in the thyroid. It is estimated that this cancer was responsible for over 41,000 deaths in the same year.

The glandular organ is located below the larynx on the neck, in front of the windpipe. In a tumor, malignant lumps form in it, which is especially the case in patients over 60 and under 30 years of age. The American Cancer Society estimates that approximately 52,890 people will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2020 in the United States alone.

What are the symptoms of this cancer? Are there efficient treatment options? Answering these questions is important for the population. As with any disease,  early and correct diagnosis is essential for a better prognosis. Then learn more about this topic.

The symptoms of thyroid cancer 

Thyroid cancer can be recognized by painless, palpable lumps in the front of the neck. However, it does not have to be a malignant tumor. This organ also enlarges if the thyroid gland is over or underactive or if there are benign cysts.

About 7 percent of the population have benign thyroid nodules.

Some benign thyroid diseases, such as acute viral thyroiditis, cause pain. Other possible symptoms are:

  • Persistent snoring
  • Problems swallowing food
  • Continuous cough

These symptoms are caused by the pressure of the lump on the airways and esophagus in the neck area. In the beginning, however, they are usually not felt. In any case, it is very important to see a doctor if there are any signs and have an appropriate examination carried out. 

Thyroid cancer
The palpable mass in the front of the neck can indicate thyroid cancer. You definitely need to get a medical exam.

Diagnosis and treatment

During the first phase of diagnosis, it is necessary to differentiate between malignant and benign tissue. So the point is to determine whether the patient has a tumor or not. The medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, and a thyroid sample with a fine needle biopsy are very important for the diagnosis. 

After interviewing the patient , the doctor examines the patient’s  neck and palpates the thyroid gland. He then gives instructions for various laboratory tests if he finds abnormalities. If necessary, the doctor can ultrasound the area to clarify.

Once the causes of the thyroid enlargement are clarified, the doctor may request a fine needle biopsy (FNAB). This can confirm the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. The sample taken is analyzed in the laboratory.

The thyroid tumor is usually removed surgically. Before that, the doctor will do a laryngoscopy (larynxoscopy) to see if the vocal cords are moving normally. At the same time, the doctor observes the larynx through a specific mirror or tube with a light and lens.

Laryngoscopy is important to keep the risk of injuring the vocal cords during the surgical procedure as low as possible. After the operation, the doctor assesses the situation and, if necessary, can initiate additional therapies, such as radiation therapy. 

Thyroid cancer
Once thyroid cancer is diagnosed, it can be surgically removed.

Final remark

Worldwide, the number of thyroid cancer diagnoses is 3.2 percent of all cancers. The prognosis is relatively good. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of painless changes in the thyroid that can be felt in the front of the neck. Thyroid cancer has a pretty good prognosis. The tumor is surgically removed, and further treatments are sometimes required afterwards.

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