The Health Benefits Of Oat Milk

Oat milk provides vitamin B, which helps protect and regulate the central nervous system

The health benefits of oat milk

Do you already know the health benefits of oat milk ? More and more people are choosing to replace cow’s milk products with plant-based milk,  not only because it is easier to digest, it also has many other health benefits.

Read this article to learn more about the benefits of oat milk .

What is oat milk and how do I drink it?

As the name suggests, it is a product made from oats, so this milk is purely vegetarian. Especially people with lactose intolerance like to use this plant-based milk.

You can drink oat milk cold or warm, with tea, coffee or cocoa. It can also be used in various recipes, such as creams, sauces, smoothies and pastries.

You can buy them pre-made at the supermarket (some brands even have vanilla or chocolate-flavored variants), or you can make them yourself at home.

That is how it goes:


  • 6 teaspoons of oatmeal (60 g)
  • 4 glasses of water (1 liter)


  • Put the oatmeal in the blender or blender.
  • Add the water and process both ingredients well. 
  • Then pour everything through a sieve or cloth. A coffee filter is also suitable.
  • You already have homemade oat milk. The leftovers can be used in pastries or other recipes.

If you want a thicker texture, add an extra teaspoon or two of oatmeal. Of course, you can also add more water if you wish. We recommend honey for sweetening. You can also use brown sugar or stevia.

Although oat milk is very healthy and nutritious, it is not recommended for people with gluten allergy (celiac disease).

Benefits of oat milk

Oat milk is recommended for people of all ages because it is rich in natural nutrients.

It is easier to digest than cow’s milk and contains a large amount of fiber, which helps relieve constipation.
Here are some of the many benefits of oat milk.

1. It purifies the body

Benefits of oat milk

Plant-based milk can help you maintain a healthy body because it  helps eliminate toxins and prevents gas.

2. It prevents signs of aging

The abundance of antioxidants helps protect against the harmful effects of free radicals (the cause of many ailments, including premature aging).

The essential amino acids contained in oat milk support various body functions and  keep the cells healthy for longer.

3. It fights gas

Benefits of oat milk: helps against flatulence

If you have digestive problems, oat milk is very useful for regulating your intestinal flora due to the high proportion of vegetable fiber . You shouldn’t hesitate to drink it in the morning at breakfast, for example in your coffee.

4. It regulates blood sugar levels

Oats have the ability to regulate blood sugar levels. This is why this plant milk is also recommended for diabetics.

5. It lowers cholesterol

Benefits of oat milk: lowers cholesterol levels

Because it is high in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, oat milk can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglyceride levels while increasing good cholesterol at the same time.

In addition, if consumed several times a week, this drink could improve your cardiovascular system by preventing the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels.

6. It helps with indigestion

For many people, cow’s milk is difficult to digest, and it often contains hormones that are given to the cows in large quantities for milk production. Oat milk is an excellent alternative in this case because it is easy to digest and  does not produce an uncomfortable feeling of fullness. 

7. It protects the nervous system

Benefits of oat milk: protects the nervous system

People dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or other nervous system disorders could also benefit greatly from oat milk.

This drink provides a large amount of vitamin B, which has a calming effect.

Hence, after a long, hectic day before bedtime, nothing beats a warm cup of oat milk with honey. You can use it to improve the quality of your sleep. 

8. It helps your muscles and bones

This herbal drink is high in protein, which  strengthens your muscles. If you exercise, oat milk can even prevent cramps.

Sitting behind a desk all day can also help reduce muscle cramping.

Oat milk contains potassium, zinc and magnesium, three of the most important nutrients for building and strengthening bones. Therefore, it is particularly recommended for children and the elderly.

9. It helps you lose weight

Make your own oat milk

Oat milk is a perfect appetite suppressant. It has a very filling effect and is therefore an excellent substitute for unhealthy snacks to satisfy your hunger pangs.

This grain also reduces fluid retention.

10. It is suitable for preventing and treating thyroid problems

Thyroid disorders are a common problem. If you suffer from it,  you can also benefit from oat milk as it contains iodine. However, seek advice from your doctor first!

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