The End Of A Friendship Can Be Just As Painful As The End Of A Love Relationship

The connections of a friendship can sometimes be stronger than those in love and when such a trusting relationship breaks it is extremely painful

The end of a friendship can be just as painful as the end of a love affair

We have all said goodbye to friendships at some point in our lives in order to find new ones.

The same thing happens with lovers. There are breakups and then new connections that are at least as wonderful and happy.

Of course you also know that there are such and such friendships.

Your heart sometimes establishes such an intimate connection with a particular person that they become an indispensable pillar of your daily life.

This fact is especially significant for women.

According to a study published by the journal  Epidemiology and Community Health  , family relationships are especially important to men’s health.

While women tend to need the support of their best friends in order to feel good physically and mentally.

Therefore, ending a friendship due to a disagreement or a specific problem can have the same effect as ending a love affair.

Here we tell you more.

A friendship, a treasure and a daily support

You will surely like to read that friendship is not a purely human concept.

According to an interesting study published in the journal  The Science of Animal , chimpanzees, baboons, horses, hyenas, elephants and dolphins also have their own “best friends”.

The impact of friendships on your emotional world is immense. You also know that not all friends are created equal, you can probably count your closest friends on one hand.

Therefore, you may have experienced the following dimensions yourself more than once.

Friends are good for your health

According to a study by the University of Virginia in the USA, an authentic and mutual friendship between two people makes it possible for them to experience the same feelings.

  • The power of empathy is so great that it can be proven in medical tests, for example as magnetic resonance.
  • So it can happen that when a person is in danger and one of his close friends knows the situation, the latter experiences this moment in a similar way.
  • In both brains one could see activity in the regions related to fear and threat.
  • A friendship is a daily strengthening,  a place of relief where advice and comfort can be found. Problems are put into perspective, stress is reduced, tension is relieved and the world appears a little brighter again.
  • When you consider the various benefits of being friends with you, you can safely understand that getting away from such a person for whatever reason will have a great effect.

    The separation from the best friend

    The reasons to move away and to break such a strong connection with a friend are so varied that one could write many articles about them.

    • Disagreements, suddenly different interests, cheating, lies, disappointments … Many reasons can lead to the loss of a friend. What follows afterwards is a very personal and emotional experience.
    • Losing a friendship  causes a similar pain to ending a relationship.
    • You are going through a period of anger and doubt because you may not fully understand how it got to this point.

      Later comes the phase of self-confrontation, in which you look for reasons.

      Until you slowly move into the phase of grief, which ultimately leads to acceptance.

      Not all people would equate the end of a friendship with the end of a love affair.

      But there are friendships that are based on one similar strong emotional connection. Experience the people involved the end being similarly painful. A tough situation as you can imagine.


      Life after the end of an important friendship

      You probably know that some friendships come and go.

      You walk part of the way together and then say goodbye at some point. You want to follow your own path without it being really painful.

      But if you have to let go of a friend who has a special place in your heart, it leaves a hole and injuries that are difficult to heal.

      • Whenever possible, you should only live with the good memories that friendship brought. If you focus only on the disagreements, you increase your anger and distrust when it comes to making new friends.
      • The pain will go away. Life brings us many learning units and everyone has to accept and accept them. However, under no circumstances should you close the door to charity, as behind it lies the chance to find new and great friendships.

        Because friendship is one of the best remedies for every day.

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