The Best Seeds For Weight Loss

Our article is about the possible benefits of different seeds. Combined with a healthy lifestyle and sufficient fitness, they could contribute to weight loss.

The best seeds for weight loss

Today’s article is about weight loss seeds. Do not be fooled, however, because there are no miracle diets, everyone knows that by now.

Losing weight requires resignation and perseverance as well as an adequate diet that not only burns fat but is also healthy.

Fiber plays an extremely important role in this. This article is about various weight loss seeds that are high in fiber and are believed to help with this task.

Seeds for weight loss

How do I get my ideal weight?

Dietary fiber is very valuable for general health. They ensure good digestion and elimination of residues. They also play an important role in losing weight.

A high-fiber diet may also protect against diabetes and heart disease to a certain extent. Some claim that  fiber also helps regulate cholesterol levels. 

All seeds contain a lot of natural fiber, which not only provides energy, but also healthy bacteria, which are very important for the intestinal flora. They also taste delicious. Who doesn’t love sunflower or pumpkin seeds?

Dietary fiber supposedly helps burn fat, has a filling effect and activates the metabolism. That is why they are of great importance in weight loss diets. Seeds can be used in salads, shakes, or simple snacks.

Below are some weight loss seeds that many people swear by.

1. Chia seeds

Shake with chia seeds

You have probably heard of these precious seeds. They contain a lot of soluble and insoluble fiber and  activate the metabolism.

If consumed regularly, they are said to be excellent for weight loss. In addition, chia seeds are also highly recommended for circulatory problems, as they contain a high proportion of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. 

Fans of chia seeds claim that they will lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and improve good cholesterol (HDL) levels.

How are chia seeds used for weight loss? They are easily available in health food stores or supermarkets.

Two to three tablespoons a day are enough. These can be eaten in salads, yoghurts, shakes or in gelatine or cakes.

2. Flaxseed

Flax seeds on the lettuce

Flaxseed fans claim that it is well known for excellent weight loss successes.

It contains a lot of fiber and also healthy omega-3 fatty acids (more than fish) as well as weak estrogen and is therefore one of the “superfoods”.

Flaxseed provides the body with more fiber than all types of grain. It helps against constipation and to lower the cholesterol level.

Therefore, this should not be missing in any kitchen. Flaxseed can be bought in health food stores and also in supermarkets. It tastes great with yogurt, salads, shakes and other dishes.

3. Mustard seeds

Mustard seeds with a wooden spoon

These taste excellent and can be eaten with fish, meat or in salads. They are said to provide omega-3s, calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, proteins, selenium, and zinc.

They are also said to have a digestive effect and activate the production of gastric juices.

Mustard seeds are used in many dishes and are therefore easy to find. They are also a delicious seasoning for salmon and chicken.

4. Sunflower seeds

fresh sunflower seeds in front of a sunflower

Not only are sunflower seeds very popular, they are also extremely healthy as long as they are eaten without salt.

Salt promotes fluid retention and is also bad for the kidneys. That is why unsalted sunflower seeds are advisable.

Why are sunflower seeds supposedly good for losing weight?

They are said to have a filling effect, activate the metabolism and contain various oleic acids, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidonic acid and lecithin. 

All of them would supposedly help lower the bad cholesterol and raise the good ones. Sunflower seeds are also recommended for the liver.

The fiber in sunflower seeds may help absorb cholesterol and other harmful fats in the intestines. Nevertheless, it should not be overdone, two spoons a day are perfectly adequate.

Sunflower seeds are high in calories, so you shouldn’t exceed the recommended amount, otherwise you will gain weight instead of weight. The kernels can also be taken as a snack, for breakfast or in between.

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