The Best Recipes For Croquettes With Ham

Are you also a fan of Spanish cuisine? Then try these delicious ham croquettes because it is one of the most typical dishes there is.

The best recipes for croquettes with ham

Ham croquettes are a typical Spanish dish. They are eaten there as a main course, side course or starter at any time of the year. They come with a variety of ingredients, but the Spaniards’ favorite version is air-dried ham.

Of course, every kitchen and every chef has their own variations, but the result is always a real delicacy.

The recipes for croquettes with ham that we present to you in our article use the best preparation techniques, which makes our work a lot easier.

When it comes to ingredients, keep in mind that the quantities may vary depending on how many servings you need for your guests or family.

However, it is important not to use too little ham, otherwise the croquettes could taste a bit bland.

Ham croquettes

Air-dried ham

Ingredients (for 6 people)

  • 1 clove of garlic
  • olive oil
  • 1 leek
  • 1/2 glass of cream (100 ml)
  • 3 medium-sized eggs
  • 4 cups of skimmed milk (1 l)
  • 1 1/2 cups flour (180 g)
  • 2 slices of raw ham (200 g)
  • 5 spoons of butter (100 g)
  • Breadcrumbs (the necessary amount)
  • Optional: onion, black pepper, nutmeg


  1. First we sift the flour and set it aside.
  2. Then we melt the butter in a saucepan.
  3. Then we cut the ham into small pieces and set it aside.
  4. Now we cut the leek and also the garlic clove into small pieces.
  5. After the butter has melted, we poach the leek and garlic in it. Once the garlic is golden brown, we add the ham and then let it sear for a few minutes.
  6. We now heat the milk and cream in another saucepan. But be careful: you are not allowed to cook!
  7. As they heat up, we add the flour, stirring constantly so that the ingredients mix.
  8. Now let’s slowly pour them over to the ham, leek and garlic. It is important that a soft, even mixture is created and that there are no lumps.
  9. Now we season to taste and then pour the mixture into a bowl. There we let them rest for 20 or 30 minutes so that the dough thickens and the ingredients set.
  10. Now we need three bowls: one with flour, one with egg and another with breadcrumbs. After we have formed the ham croquettes, we roll them in each bowl to fry them afterwards. When shaping, it is important to lightly grease your hands with a drop of olive oil beforehand.
  11. Then we fry the croquettes in plenty of olive oil until they are golden brown on all sides.
  12. Finally, garnish the croquettes with a little fresh parsley and serve. Good Appetite!

Ham and chicken croquettes

Ingredients (for six people)

  • 2 onions
  • olive oil
  • 1/2 cup cream (100 ml)
  • 3 medium-sized eggs
  • 4 cups of skimmed milk (1 l)
  • 1 cup of cornstarch (150 gr)
  • 300 g cooked chicken
  • 2/3 cup diced raw ham (100 g)
  • Breadcrumbs (the necessary amount)
  • Seasoning: salt, freshly ground black pepper


Delicious chicken croquettes
  1. First we mix the cornstarch with a little milk in a bowl.
  2. Then we remove the bone from the chicken and pick it apart as much as possible before turning it through the meat grinder.
  3. Now we cut the ham cubes into four parts and set them aside.
  4. Then we heat the rest of the milk with a pinch of salt in a saucepan. When it reaches the boiling point, we add the cornstarch mixture and stir until the mixture thickens.
  5. Then we add the chicken and ham, stirring constantly so that all the ingredients mix. When we have achieved a consistent and flexible batter, we take the pot off the stove and let it cool down.
  6. After the dough has cooled, we shape the croquettes and prepare them exactly as in the previous recipe. First we bread them with egg, flour and breadcrumbs and then we fry them in plenty of olive oil.

You can either serve the croquettes straight away or keep them in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.

If we store them first, the ingredients will taste more intense afterwards. It is then only important to warm them up really well so that they are not still cold in the middle.

The ham croquettes are of course particularly delicious when served with a dip of our choice.

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