The Best Anti-Cancer Foods

In addition to an anti-cancer diet with lots of fresh foods, healthy lifestyle habits are essential. Avoid sedentary lifestyle, alcohol, and tobacco.

The best anti cancer foods

More and more people are suffering from cancer, especially in western industrialized countries. This could be caused by lifestyle, pollution or daily stress. Here we introduce you to the best  anti-cancer foods.

Diet also plays a major role. That is why in this post we will tell you the  best anti-cancer foods that can be put together in an appropriate diet. 

Anti-cancer diet: food as preventive medicine

anti-cancer foods

A healthy diet that can help prevent cancer  includes fresh, regional, seasonal and, if possible, organic products. 

  • Fresh fruits and raw vegetables, dried fruits and whole grains play an important role in this.
  • Legumes, aromatic herbs and olive oil should not be forgotten either.
  • Fish and chicken eggs are also recommended.

You should avoid finished products as well as sugar and white flour as much as possible. You  should also banish commercially available soft drinks, industrial baked goods and fried foods from your diet if possible.

In addition, it is advisable to reduce meat, sausage products and milk. 

The Mediterranean diet is a good starting point for cancer prevention because it is very healthy and contains many dishes that are prepared with olive oil. Pay attention to the quality, it should be extra virgin olive oil.


Also the  daily living habits should be improved, because the anti-cancer foods alone are not enough.

If you smoke, drink alcohol, and do not exercise, the chances of developing cancer (or other diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure, etc.) are much higher.

Sedentary lifestyle is a major problem in today’s society that can also negatively affect the development of cancer.

It should not be forgotten that cancer-promoting substances should be reduced as much as possible. Environmental pollutants, plastic, Teflon and benzopyrene (in tobacco) are just a few examples.

Anti-cancer foods that shouldn’t be missing from your eating plan

Of course, cancer cannot be prevented 100% with these foods, because there are numerous other factors that play an important role, such as genetic predisposition.

However, you can reduce the risk with an appropriate diet, half an hour of exercise a day and as little stress as possible. 
The following anti-cancer foods are recommended:



Vegetables from the cruciferous family (including cabbage, Brussels sprouts …) and especially broccoli have an anti-cancer effect. This is thanks to the active ingredients glucosinolate and isothiocyanate contained therein.

It is therefore advisable to regularly include broccoli in the diet to  prevent breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer and prostate cancer. 

The best anti cancer foods: garlic

The characteristic, intense smell of garlic is due to the cancer-inhibiting ingredients it contains. In addition, the white tuber also has an antiseptic effect.

To get the most from it , it’s best to consume garlic raw on an empty stomach. The white tuber is a superfood, as are onions, leeks and chives.

This can prevent cancer of the mouth and throat as well as stomach and intestinal cancer.

Green tea

Green tea

Green tea is rich in EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), an antioxidant that is characterized by its antiangiogenic effect, which can inhibit the growth of tumor tissue.

For example, you can replace coffee or black tea with green tea,  because this has no contraindications. For example, it protects against colon cancer, bladder cancer and stomach cancer.

Blue fish

Men over 30 years of age should increase their consumption of oily fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna …) because it has anti-inflammatory effects and at the same time reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Natural yoghurt

Plain yogurt, or Greek yogurt, contains probiotics that  promote digestive health and strengthen the immune system. 

A cup of natural yoghurt a day can help the body fight certain types of cancer (e.g. colon cancer).

full grain

full grain

In contrast to refined white flour, whole grains can help prevent breast and colon cancer. Oats, bran and muesli are particularly recommended 

Carrots and oranges

Both are rich in vitamin C and especially beta-carotene, which is also responsible for the orange color. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals that  can lead to lung cancer, for example.

It is worth incorporating these fruits into your daily nutrition plan. You can also use it for a fresh juice or smoothie in the morning.


This type of vegetable also has an anti-cancer effect, because the lycopene it contains fights free radicals.

Adult men who consume tomatoes regularly have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

It is better to eat the tomatoes cooked,  because lycopene is heat-stable and since the water is reduced when boiling, this active ingredient can be found in concentrated form.



These small seeds contain phytoestrogens called lignans that regulate hormone levels. As a result, they can also be helpful in preventing breast cancer.

In addition, they provide valuable omega 3 fatty acids and fiber that can prevent colon cancer.


In order for tofu to actually be effective in preventing cancer, it  must definitely be made from organic soy. 

The isoflavones in tofu block the effects of estrogen and reduce the types of cancer associated with this hormone (breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer).

At the same time, you can eat other organic soy products, but these should be processed as little as possible.

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