That Helps With Pain And Inflammation In The Knee!

Our knees are exposed to great stress and therefore tend to become inflamed and painful.

This helps with pain and inflammation in the knee!

Due to obesity, lack of exercise and sports injuries, our knees are often confronted with injuries, pain, inflammation and swelling.  Today we are putting together tips that can help relieve pain and  inflammation in the knee.

Our knees carry us

Our knees have a highly complex structure and are also the largest joint in our body. Unfortunately, it is also the joint where problems often arise and which is then often overloaded. And there is pain and inflammation in the knee .

If problems arise, they are particularly annoying, as our entire weight rests on our knee joints with every step. The knee joint is a construct that is stabilized by ligaments, eyes and muscles.

Problems often arise because the stabilizing muscles are not sufficiently trained and this puts excessive strain on the knee.

Even if your knee is still completely fit and you have no problems with it, you should definitely make sure to prevent damage and problems later due to your behavior today. How do you prevent knee inflammation?

Very harmful to your knee is:

  • Obesity
  • Too little movement
  • High heels
  • Heavy carrying
  • Working on your knees (gardener, tiler, …)
  • Stop & Go sports (badminton, for example)
  • To ski

Knee pain

Immediate action for the knee

If your knee joint is overloaded and hurts or if the first serious damage to tendons, ligaments, cartilage or meniscus has crept in, you should immediately take the following measures:

  • see a doctor
  • Weight reduction
  • Movement without stress
  • Muscle building

It is important that you take all strain off the knee joint, such as losing weight and avoiding carrying heavy loads. Sports that put strain on the knee should also be taboo.

It is important to always move the knee, even when there is ailments, and to strengthen the stabilizing muscles. Movement promotes the development of “synovial fluid”, which ensures that your joint is optimally supplied with blood and is kept in motion well-lubricated.

Suitable sports for knee problems are:

  • cycle
  • swim
  • gymnastics


Pain and inflammation in the knee – strengthen muscles

Exercises with which you strengthen the muscles around your knees, which stabilize the joint safely and also protect against injuries:

Wall squat:  Lean against a wall with your back straight. The feet should be parallel and placed a little in front of the knees.

Hold this position for at least 10 seconds before you straighten up again and repeat this exercise 3 times at the beginning, later 5 times in a row. Possible increase: push up on the tips of your toes.

Lunge:  The “lunge” trains the leg and gluteal muscles. To do this, stand hip-width apart, your body is erect, your abdominal muscles tense and your gaze goes forward.

Then stand one leg with a large step backwards. The step must be so wide that the angle between the thigh and lower leg is approximately 90 °.

Very important: Under no circumstances should the angle between the upper and lower legs be less than 90 °, i.e. the knee should extend beyond your toes, in order to avoid unnecessary strain on the knees.

Then bend your front leg and bring your back knee towards the floor until your lower back leg is parallel to the floor.

When you have reached the lowest point, you then push yourself up and forward again with your back leg and pull your back leg forward again until both feet are at the same height again.

Repeat at least 3 times with each leg.


Inflammation in the knee – measures

If the knee is inflamed due to overload, wear and tear, or injury, you should consult a doctor so as not to spread the inflammation.

Follow the doctor’s instructions to avoid chronic joint inflammation. In addition to the measures prescribed by the doctor, it will help:

  • Cold application : Please always wrap cold packs or ice cubes in a washcloth or a towel so as not to freeze the skin through direct application!
  • Pineapple Enzymes : The pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which soothes inflammation and reduces swelling. In order to absorb the necessary amount of bromelain, you have to incorporate a lot of pineapple into your diet. The active ingredient is also available in concentrated form in tablet form.
  • Vegetable food : animal protein and animal fats promote inflammatory processes in the body. Therefore, if you suffer from inflammatory joint diseases and the resulting pain, you should limit your consumption of animal products (meat, dairy products, etc.) or avoid them.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids : these healthy fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects and should be on the menu if your knees are inflamed. It is generally unhealthy to consume animal fats.
  • Elevation : If the affected joint, for example the knee joint, is elevated, the tissue fluid that has accumulated in it can drain away better.

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