Stomach Inflammation: Symptoms And Treatment

The most severe stomach inflammations are mostly caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella or Shigella. Find out everything you need to know about this condition.

Stomach inflammation: symptoms and treatment

An inflammation of the stomach or bowel can make itself felt when we least expect it. It can occur at any time of the year, with the frequency being particularly high in hot seasons. We’ll tell you what symptoms to look out for and how you can treat and prevent them to avoid their consequences.

While these diseases are usually not severe, if complications arise, they can even cost us our lives. For this reason, it is important to know how inflammation of the stomach develops. It can be especially severe in children and the elderly, as they are more prone to fluid loss.

What causes stomach inflammation?

  • Stomach inflammation is basically caused either by viruses, bacteria or intestinal parasites that invade us through food, polluted water and sometimes human contact.
  • Such infections are very different and depend on the particular pathogen and our state of health. When we are healthy and have strong immune systems, it is very rare for complications to arise.
  • Usually bacteria such as salmonella, Escherichia coli and Shigella are responsible for stomach inflammation. Occasionally, gastrointestinal parasites such as giardias and amoebas can cause similar symptoms.

What are the symptoms?

  • Loss of appetite
  • Burning sensation in the stomach and feeling of fullness
  • Stomach noises
  • stomach pain
  • Chills.
Inflammation of the stomach
  • A headache.
  • Pronounced physical exhaustion.
  • Fever.
  • Blood in the stool.
  • Weight loss.

Natural treatment for inflammation of the stomach

Undoubtedly, at the slightest sign of infection, you should see your doctor so they can do the appropriate tests and identify a possible disease.

Stomach infections can be very serious, especially those caused by salmonella or E. coli bacteria. The consequences of the disease also depend on your state of health. Therefore, care must be taken in children and the elderly, as their immune systems are often weaker than in healthy adults.

To prevent stomach inflammation or to reduce the impact of its symptoms, we recommend:

  • Avoid consuming dairy products, flour, sugar, fried foods, and sausages. These foods can do you a lot of harm during this time.
    Camomile tea
    • Try to eat a broth and soup-based diet sparingly, but always under medical supervision.
    • If you have diarrhea, go to the pharmacy and buy the electrolyte solutions. It will do you good.
    • Rest for at least 3 days. Your body needs energy to fight inflammation.
    • You can make yourself lemon tea because it is astringent.

    How can we prevent stomach infections?

    • Always clean all food and kitchen utensils well and don’t forget to wash your hands thoroughly before eating or after using the toilet.
    • Pay attention to your diet, it should be balanced and nutritious. Strengthen your defenses.
    • Meat must always be cooked well as it can harbor pathogens.
    • Eat foods that are high in vitamin C.
    • Don’t consume fancy products.
    • When traveling, be careful what you consume. It is advisable not to drink tap water, preferring bottled water.

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