Skin Spots On The Hands – Tips For Reducing Them

Dark spots on the hands are usually considered unsightly. But with the right home remedies, you can take action against these skin spots. Learn more about it in our article.

Skin marks on hands - tips to reduce them

Skin spots on the hands are mostly age-related, but there are also other factors that determine their appearance, such as exposure to the sun. Skin spots  on the hands look unsightly and many therefore try in vain to remove them with expensive treatments.

In this article, we’d like to give you some inexpensive and straightforward tips on how to get rid of them.

1. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera


Our hands are continuously exposed to environmental influences: Sun, time and dryness, among other things, cause the gradual appearance of dark spots on the skin.

If you apply some aloe vera gel every day, the skin will slowly regenerate. This natural juice is an all-round protection for our hands, as it cares for the skin, tones it and reduces stains. At the same time, it prevents the negative effects of the sun and premature skin aging.

2. Lemon juice


Lemon juice has been used to lighten the skin since ancient times , so the stains on the hands are also removed. However, you should carry out the treatment in the evening, as the skin must not be in the sun after the treatment.

Mix two cucumber slices with the juice of half a lemon. Then apply this mask and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then wash your hands as usual.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar in a glass carafe


As you probably already know, apple cider vinegar is very versatile and cannot only be used in the kitchen. It also helps against skin spots on the hands and is sure to be found in every pantry.

Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of regular moisturizer for treatment. Massage this mixture in for 10-15 minutes, then leave it on all night. Practical and very effective against skin spots on the hands.

4. hydrogen peroxide


This treatment should be used with caution as hydrogen peroxide can cause stinging or irritation. The procedure is very simple:  moisten some cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the hands. It should penetrate the skin properly and act all night.

Most treatments are applied at night in order to protect the skin from the sun’s rays afterwards. Only aloe vera offers real protection against the sun. So test and see for yourself which of these tips is best for your hands.

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