Sirtfood Diet: Young And Slim Thanks To Special Proteins?

In the sirtfood diet, more foods are consumed that contain a certain form of protein.

Sirtfood diet: young and slim thanks to special proteins?

As almost every year, there is now a new diet, the Sirtfood Diet, which promises to lose up to three kilos per week while also stopping the aging process and strengthening the immune system.

Sounds great! What do you need to do for that?

Sirtfood diet: the secret of special proteins

The theory behind the sirtfood diet is that there are special proteins called sirtuins that are responsible for diet success.

The inventors of the Sirtfood Diet, Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten explain that the sirtuins have several positive properties that are important for weight loss.

Sirtuins should:

  • boost fat loss,
  • build up and strengthen the muscles,
  • strengthen the immune system and
  • slow down cell aging.

The theory states that these processes are optimized the more sirtuins are ingested through the diet. The central component of the sirtfood diet is therefore foods that contain a particularly large amount of sirtuin.

Shopping list for sirtfood diet

How does the sirtfood diet work?

With the sirtfood diet, as many foods as possible should be consumed that are rich in sirtuin.

In order for the diet to work properly, according to the inventors, you should n’t consume more than 1000 calories for the first three days. After that, 1500 daily calories are recommended.

Foods that are said to be particularly effective in marketing and that are said to contain a lot of sirtuin are red wine and dark chocolate, but the list of foods rich in sirtuin is long.

An excerpt from the long list is:

  • Green tea
  • Capers
  • Kale
  • Blueberries
  • Walnuts
  • parsley
  • Apples
  • Citrus fruits
  • Buckwheat
  • coffee
  • soy

In total, according to the inventors Goggins and Msatten, the list includes around 60 recommended foods that should be consumed more during the sirtfood diet for weight loss.

This makes it possible to lose up to 3kg per week.

It is confusing, however, that sirtfood refers to proteins, but the majority of the foods mentioned do not belong to the classic protein-rich foods.

Woman stands on the scales and wants to lose weight with a sirtfood diet

Does the Weight Loss Diet Work?

As is often the case with new diets, there are still no meaningful scientific studies on this diet that could prove that the sirtfood diet actually leads to significant weight reduction.

As with all weight-loss diets, one advantage of this diet is that those who want to lose weight actively deal with what they eat in the course of the reduction diet and therefore intuitively avoid unhealthy foods such as sugar.

That alone results in weight loss for everyone, not just this diet.

Criticism from the professional world

In many diets, the initially large weight loss is due to the removal of water and the loss of muscle mass.

Again , nutritionists believe that the greatest weight loss is due to water.

Like any diet, the sirtfood diet should be part of a complete change in diet and should not only be used temporarily.

The inventors recommend a duration of three weeks. What happens after that is well known as the yo-yo effect: those willing to lose weight return to their old eating habits.

Basically, many foods that are said to be rich in sirtuin are those that are generally recommended as beneficial to health – with the exception of chocolate and red wine.

According to experts, a strict limitation of the diet to only around 60 foods harbors the risk of malnutrition and malnutrition and in extreme cases can even lead to disturbed eating behavior.

Sirtfood diet with vegetables and fish


If you want to lose weight, you can use the list of recommended foods on the Sirtfood Diet as a guide, but should not see the list as the sole basis of your diet.

Basically, the healthiest diet is a mixed diet that has the following properties:

  • A lot of fruits and vegetables
  • Little animal protein and fats
  • High quality vegetable fats
  • Whole grain cereals
  • Calorie-free drinks
  • Lots of fiber
  • No industrially processed products
  • No sugar or sugar alternatives
  • No alcohol

In addition to a healthy, balanced diet consisting of mixed foods, exercise is always a part of building and maintaining healthy muscle mass.

Ultimately, our muscle mass functions as a combustion engine. The bigger and more functional it is, the better it burns calories.

Conclusion: the Sirtfood Diet basically lists healthy foods, but has not yet been scientifically investigated with regard to their effectiveness. It can’t hurt to include foods rich in sirtuin in your daily healthy diet.

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