Simple Exercises Against Stress That Put You In A Good Mood

You have to adapt these exercises to your possibilities and perform them constantly every day in order to become more flexible and benefit from all the advantages. You need 20 minutes for this, but you can also adjust the time to your needs.

Simple exercises against stress that put you in a good mood

We have already recommended a wide variety of exercises to train the body several times. Today we are going to introduce you to various options that work  against stress  and negative emotions.

Not everyone has time to get some fresh air and run or swim every day to keep bones, muscles, and joints healthy while relaxing the mind.

Therefore, it is good to know exercises that are easy to do at home and that will help improve your mood and find inner balance.

This allows important advantages to be achieved  without having to regularly go to the fitness center. All you need is a yoga mat, pillows, comfortable clothing, and determination.

Simple exercises against stress

It only takes you 20 minutes to feel better. The exercises will help you integrate your body and mind and improve your breathing.

In particular, flexibility is also trained by stretching, which helps to get rid of the daily accumulated tension and overload.

If you pay attention to your breathing and concentrate all your attention on your body, you can strengthen your inner balance with every movement and regulate daily stress.

It’s not about getting tired or working up a sweat. The only goal of these anti-stress  exercises is to  achieve a comfortable harmony between body and mind. 

It’s worth working on it every day!

1. Relaxation of the back and mind

Exercise against stress

These exercises are very relaxing and very easy to perform. For the first exercise, you will need two pillows or a pillow and a towel.

This is how the exercise is carried out:

  • Place a pillow at the headboard and a folded towel or second pillow lengthways on the floor so that it lies under your back. The back must be a little higher, because this opens the chest area, which makes breathing easier. 
  • Rest your head on the pillow and your back on the folded towel and hold out your arms.
  • At the same time, you bend your knees to take the position shown in the picture.
  • You will feel that this will stretch the hip and back area.

Now you breathe in gently for 10 seconds, hold your breath for 5 seconds, and then exhale loudly. Remain in this position for 5 minutes.

2. Lift the pelvic area

woman doing relaxing exercises

This exercise is also very relaxing. You will need a block or a firm pillow that will allow you to support the pelvic area.

  • Lie on the mat and support the pelvic area with the block as shown in the picture. The legs are closed, the knees are close together.
  • Then you stretch out your arms.
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  • In this position, the head is lower than the rest of the body,  so the blood circulation in the head is promoted. 
  • Remain in this position for 5 minutes, continuously exhaling for 10 seconds, holding your breath for 5 seconds, and then exhaling loudly.

3. To compensate: legs up!

woman doing yoga against stress

For this exercise, you will need a pillow and a towel to cover your eyes and make it easier for you to relax.

  • Put the pillow against the wall, and then bring your legs up, placing your body on the mat. This creates a 90º angle. Make sure  that your bottom is right against the wall.
  • The pillow is under your back, so the head is a little lower than the rest of the body.
  • Now you cover your eyes with a cloth and stretch out your arms.
  • Relax for 5 minutes and do the breathing as explained for the other exercises (inhale, hold, exhale).

4. Stretching the shoulders

yoga exercise against stress

The exercises are completed with this stretch. The back, neck and shoulders benefit from this.

Do this exercise as much as possible.

  • Kneel on the mat and place a pillow on your feet.  Now you bend your body carefully and slowly backwards  so that you can touch the pillow with your hands.
  • Remain in this position for a minute, you will feel that the area of ​​the shoulders is stretched.
  • Then relax and go back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise again.

These anti-stress exercises take about 20 minutes to complete. You won’t get tired and you won’t sweat. It’s just about stretching and relaxing the body.

With proper breathing, you can clear your mind of worry. It’s worth doing these exercises regularly!

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