Shake Off Morning Tiredness With 5 Natural Smoothies

These smoothies are delicious, healthy and help against tiredness!

Shake off morning tiredness with 5 natural smoothies

For many people, tiredness in the morning is a reality, often due to poor sleep quality, but stress or malnutrition can also lead to it. With these 5 smoothies you can  Simply shake off morning tiredness.  

Often the tiredness is accompanied by other symptoms that affect your everyday life, because your physical strength and your mental capabilities are reduced.

Before morning fatigue becomes chronic, you should definitely have yourself checked, as there could be a health problem behind it.

Various natural remedies and a healthy diet can help you regain energy. Today we recommend delicious smoothies to conquer your morning tiredness  and to be more productive.

Look forward to trying them out!

1. Mango and banana smoothie

Mango-banana smoothie against morning tiredness

This delicious mango and banana smoothie is rich in fiber, antioxidants, and protein. It is therefore perfect against morning fatigue. The nutrients it contains improve your physical and mental performance, and  the sugar it contains is converted into energy. 

In addition, this smoothie is good for digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties.


  • 1 ripe mango
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 cup of yogurt (125 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of oats (10 g)
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric (2 g)


  • First peel and chop the mango, then put it in a blender together with the banana.
  • Then add the rest of the ingredients and process until the mixture is creamy and well mixed.


  • Drink in the morning after getting up or whenever you experience morning fatigue.

2. Apple and citrus smoothie

With just a few calories, this apple and citrus smoothie provides your body with important antioxidants. The drink also contains fiber, which improves digestion and cardiovascular health.

In addition, the nutrients it contains provide mental and physical energy. 


  • 1 green apple
  • Juice of 1 orange
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/2 cup of water (100 ml)


  • Chop the apple and put it in a blender.
  • Then squeeze the orange and lemon and add the juice to the apple.
  • Finally add the water and process everything well.


  • Drink the smoothie every morning after getting up.

    3. Strawberry and banana smoothie for morning tiredness

    Strawberry and banana smoothie against morning tiredness

    This high-energy strawberry and banana smoothie is perfect for shaking off morning tiredness.

    First , the ingredients help your cells absorb glucose better. In addition, the smoothie improves calorie burning throughout the day.


    • 5 ripe strawberries
    • 1 ripe banana
    • 1 natural yoghurt (125 g)
    • 2 tablespoons of oats (20 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (10 g)


    • First cut the strawberries in half and place in a blender along with the banana and the rest of the ingredients.
    • Process everything well.


    • Drink the smoothie as part of your breakfast or later in the morning.

      4. Oat and almond milk smoothie

      This smoothie is excellent against morning tiredness. The mixture of almond milk and oats provides an abundance of amino acids, carbohydrates and fatty acids that get you going and give you new energy.


      • 1 cup of almond milk (200 ml)
      • 3 tablespoons of oats (30 g)
      • 1 tablespoon of milk (25 g)


      • Process all ingredients well in a stand mixer or blender.


      • Drink the smoothie for breakfast.

      5. Apple and kiwi smoothie

      Shake off morning tiredness with an apple and kiwi smoothie.

      When you combine the vitamin C from the kiwi with the antioxidants and fiber from the apple, you get a great morning smoothie against fatigue.

      These fruits also strengthen your immune system and help against fluid retention and digestive problems.


      • 1 ripe kiwi
      • 1 green apple
      • 2 spinach leaves
      • 3 tablespoons of oats (30 g)
      • 1 cup of water (200 ml)


      • First cut the ingredients into small pieces, then put them in the blender with the oats and water.
      • Process everything well and then serve immediately.


      • Enjoy the smoothie in the morning on an empty stomach and then wait at least 30 minutes with breakfast.

      If you feel tired in the morning, these recipes can get you going and improve your physical and mental performance.

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