Scars – Natural Skin Care

Aloe Vera supplies the skin with moisture and makes it elastic. Wild rose oil regenerates the skin and has a healing effect.

Scars - natural skin care

Scars should be treated as early as possible, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also to allow them to heal completely. But you can never completely prevent scars.

We can help with our diet, for example by consuming foods rich in vitamins and minerals or by using an ointment that we rub on the scar every day. However, existing scars cannot be reduced in this way.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A or beta-carotene  helps us to keep the skin in good condition and has a positive influence on wound healing. We can put foods with vitamin A on our diet, especially orange foods, such as:

  • Carrots
  • pumpkin
  • sweet potato
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • Apricots
  • melon

vitamin C

Vitamin C is a good source of energy and has positive properties for the skin: it is an antioxidant, has a regenerating effect, moisturizes and revitalizes. All of these properties help in wound healing as well as in the renewal of skin cells.

Foods rich in vitamin C:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Azarole (also called medlar)
  • Red fruits
  • Red pepper
  • parsley
  • kiwi
  • broccoli

We can also take vitamin C in the form of dietary supplements. The most natural and most usable dietary supplements then consist of azarole powder.


One of the most important substances for a correct cell function in our body and consequently also for our skin is silicon. This mineral is extremely important for healthy skin, hair and nails. Many creams contain silicon, which  improves the elasticity of the skin.

Food with silicon:

  • avocado
  • alfalfa
  • Whole grain rice
  • Horsetail
  • onion
  • Whole grain oats
  • cucumber
  • sugar beet
  • leek
  • cheese

We can also consume organic silicon in liquid form, an important trace element that is essential for health and also highly recommended for our beauty.

It’s best to choose an organic product so that the body can absorb it better.

Natural ointments

We can use the following ingredients to prepare a natural ointment that helps wound healing and regenerates the skin:

  • Aloe Vera:  If we have a plant, we can take the gel straight from the leaves. If not, we’ll buy natural aloe vera gel.
  • Golden rose oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Vitamin E  (available in capsules in natural stores and drug stores)

We mix about 50 ml each of aloe vera gel and golden rose oil in a glass bowl. Then we add 10 drops of lavender oil and 10 drops of vitamin E, which serves as a preservative.

Then mix everything well with a wooden spoon. So that the ointment has a longer shelf life, it is best to store it in the refrigerator. The ointment is then applied at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Aching scars

We recommend St. John’s wort oil for painful scars . We can prepare this ourselves at home. To do this, we soak the flowers of St. John’s wort in the fresh air in olive oil for thirty days. The oil takes on a reddish color over time.

We rub the St. John’s wort oil on the scar two to three times a day. This oil also helps us  with bruises and burns.

The homeopathic remedy Hypericum 6CH also helps us  We take three pellets three times a day and then let them pass under the tongue. Homeopathic remedies should be taken between meals and not with coffee, after brushing your teeth, etc.

Difficult scars

If wound healing and regeneration of the affected area are difficult, the best solution is an arnica cream, available in drugstores and natural health stores. There is also a homeopathic remedy here:  Arnica 6CH. The intake is the same as with Hypericum 6CH.

Honey and bee resin, two ancient remedies

The bees give us two excellent natural remedies, which are also inexpensive and help to regenerate the skin.

Honey is a food with innumerable beneficial properties. For example, it provides moisture, acts as an antioxidant and an antibiotic. Honey is often used in face masks and we can then use it to heal wounds as well.

To do this, we put organic honey on the scar at least three times a day and let it work for ten minutes.

Bee resin (propolis) was already used in ancient Egypt due to its germicidal and wound healing properties, especially for skin diseases. Aristotle called bee resin a “cure for skin inflammation, wounds and suppurations”.

If we put or ingest bee resin on the scar every day, the regeneration of the skin is accelerated and the scars then heal better.

Various creams made from bee resin are available in herbal stores. These natural products do not irritate the skin like conventional chemical creams can.

Pictures by itmpa and giorgio

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