Rosemary In Home Remedies To Improve Blood Circulation

Crushing rosemary and other herbs in oil makes a delicious dressing with which we can refine bread and various dishes

Rosemary in home remedies to improve blood circulation

Rosemary in skin products is an excellent medicinal herb that has various beneficial effects on health. This herb supports digestion and blood circulation and has an antioxidant and invigorating effect.

In this article we describe all its properties and explain how and where you can use rosemary : as an infusion, in alcohol, in essential oils, in the form of rosemary honey, and classically as a spice.


Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) has the following health effects:

  • It improves the blood circulation in the body.
  • Rosemary also has an antioxidant effect .
  • Rosemary promotes digestion and reduces associated problems such as over-acidification of the stomach, bloating and flatulence.
  • It relieves menstrual pain and symptoms associated with the female cycle, e.g. migraines, fluid retention, etc.
  • Rosemary supports the function of the liver and gall bladder and can therefore also be used as a remedy for jaundice (recognizable by a yellowish discoloration of the skin).
  • Due to its high iron content, it is effective against anemia.
  • Rosemary reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • It slows down the progression of degenerative diseases.
  • Rosemary is also recommended for food poisoning.
Rosemary flower

As an infusion

The preparation of a tea of rosemary is one of the easiest and preiswertesten forms to utilize the health-giving properties of this plant.

It is best to drink the rosemary tea after eating, so you can then promote digestion.

How do we prepare it?

  • First we bring water to a boil for a cup of tea (200 ml). When the water starts to boil, we add a teaspoon of dry rosemary leaves and let them boil for 3 minutes.
  • Then we turn off the stove, cover the used pot and let the infusion steep for 5 minutes.
  • Then we pour the tea and it is ready to drink.

Alcohol with rosemary

Alcohol with rosemary is a very ancient remedy that can be used to perform massages that refresh the skin, stimulate blood circulation  and then relieve tension and muscle spasms.

Such a massage also helps against those ailments that can be traced back to circulatory disorders, e.g. varicose veins, heaviness, cellulite, etc.


  • We need a glass vessel that we can then close tightly.
  • We fill it with fresh rosemary, freshly picked if possible. The plant bears flowers at the ideal time of harvest.
  • Then we fill the jar with 96% alcohol, which is available in pharmacies.
  • After closing the vessel, we let the batch rest in a dark place for two weeks.
  • Every day we give the alcohol a quick shake.
  • After the specified time has elapsed, we pour off the liquid and then collect it in a dark glass vessel, which must also be easy to close. The alcohol with rosemary is kept in a dry, cool place.
Rosemary alcohol

Essential oil for your hair

In the form of essential oil, you can have rosemary close at hand at all times.

It has many positive effects, for example it helps to keep the hair healthy as it stimulates blood flow to the hair roots and thus prevents hair loss.

To use it, we add a few drops of rosemary oil to our shampoo and then use it to wash our hair as normal.

If we add a few drops of rosemary oil to coconut oil and massage the scalp and hair with this mixture, it works like a hair treatment. It should sit for 30 minutes before we wash the hair.

Rosemary honey

Rosemary honey is produced by bees, who then collect their pollen mainly from these medicinal plants.

If it is raw honey that has not yet been processed, the honey has a tough consistency and is quite light in color. In this state he is  particularly healthy.

Rosemary honey combines the positive properties of the medicinal plant with those of honey and is therefore a very effective remedy:

  • It has an expectorant effect.
  • Rosemary honey promotes healthy digestion.
  • Invigorates the body.
  • Relieves pain caused by rheumatism.
  • Rosemary honey has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • It can be used in support of diseases of the respiratory tract.
  • Strengthens the defense.
  • Free the mind.
Rosemary honey

Rosemary as a culinary spice

Rosemary is used very often, especially in Mediterranean cuisine. Italian cuisine is famous for its herbs, which are used in the preparation of bread, focaccia and similar recipes.

It’s easy to make a herbal dressing with rosemary that is always on hand in the kitchen. To do this, a few fresh rosemary leaves are beaten in olive oil. Other herbs and garlic can then be added if desired.

This oil should be kept in a well-closed container. Over time, more and more substances are transferred from the herbs into the oil, giving it a unique taste.

Rosemary has a very intense taste, so there is no need to add a large amount of rosemary to the oil.

Images courtesy of net-efekt, Chiot’s Run, and alicia.

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