Relationship Between Physical Pain And Emotions

Sometimes pain has nothing to do with physical complaints, but with emotional suffering that troubles us without being aware of it.

Relationship between physical pain and emotions

Even if we are mostly unaware of it, physical  pain and emotions are closely related.

Mind and body are constantly working together, which also explains why feelings can express themselves as pain in different parts of the body.

Research has found that chronic pain can not only be the product of physical injury, but can also arise as a result of constant stress or depression.

Back pain, headaches or complaints in other parts of the body can sometimes also be triggered by negative emotions.

This topic was explained on the website  and various works were also presented. For example, the experiences of the psychologist Susanne Babble, who specializes in trauma and depression and tries to explain the relationship between the two.

On the website mentioned, various expert opinions can be found that illustrate how emotions can trigger physical suffering in certain areas.

a headache


Headaches and migraines are closely related to constant stress  and other emotional factors.

You can therefore indicate an overload in everyday life or unpleasant and difficult situations.

The best solution in this case is to learn a relaxation technique and do a calming activity.

Sore throat

Tension in the neck area is not always the result of incorrect movement or excessive physical exertion. If these are common, it can also be due to strong feelings of guilt  or self-accusation.

The first thing to do is to identify the causes of these negative feelings and then seek forgiveness.

Pain in the shoulders

a headache

Much of the daily tension puts a strain on the shoulders. Problems and worries are often concentrated in this area.

Once you become aware of this situation, you should try to find a suitable solution and stop burdening yourself with problems that may not have anything to do with you.

If the burden is too great, it is a good idea to share it and solve problems so that the situation does not become too stressful.

Upper back pain

The pain in this area of ​​the body is associated with a lack of emotional support, the emptiness one feels when one’s feelings are not reciprocated.

As soon as contact with family or friends is re-established, the pain will also go away. The beginning of a partner relationship usually means that this pain does not recur.

Lower back pain

Back pain

Constant lower back pain is often due to stress from financial problems. Too much debt or money difficulties create unnecessary tension in this area of ​​the body.

That is why it is very important to learn how to manage money in order to be prepared for crisis situations. The best thing to do is to re-examine your expenses and avoid unnecessary purchases in order to be able to invest savings.

Pain in the hips

Fear of change often shows up in a stiff or painful hip. Worrying about the future or about upcoming changes can lead to these symptoms.

To find relief, it is best to make decisions and distract your mind with other activities. Taking the right steps forward is key to keeping this symptom happening again and again.

Knee pain

Those who are too self-centered or feel superior in certain things or situations can suffer from knee pain.

Humility and appreciation for the good work of others can strike a balance.

Pain in the feet

Pain feet

Too many negative feelings and not enough pleasant moments are often the trigger for chronic foot pain.

Depression, enduring the problems of others, and stress from overworking at work are common causes of this pain.

A foot bath in warm water with a little salt helps to relax your feet. But if you really want to relax, you have to adopt healthy habits that promote well-being.

Spending time with the family, playing with the kids or a pet, for example, are fun ways to get rid of heavy burdens.

The pain and associated emotional problems mentioned here are based on analysis by experts consulted by .

Although more detailed studies are needed to confirm these relationships, it is good to know to prevent discomfort.

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