Reduce Cholesterol At Breakfast: Five Tips

In order to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, you should be careful what you eat in the morning. Your diet should be healthy and balanced.

Reduce Cholesterol At Breakfast: Five Tips

In order to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, you should be careful what you eat in the morning. Your diet should be healthy and balanced.

If you have high cholesterol levels, it is important to change your breakfast. This is not only the most important meal of the day: our organism is also much more receptive to certain foods in the morning.

An empty stomach absorbs nutrients better, which is why even small changes can lower cholesterol in the blood. If the body is additionally supplied with vitamins, minerals and healthy enzymes, these also help to reduce the substance, which is dangerous in high quantities.

Below we give you a few tips on how you can take better care of your health. Our breakfast recommendations are not only healthy and easy to prepare, but also delicious!

Lowering Cholesterol: Breakfast Tips

1. Oats

According to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, USA, oats are one of the most effective foods for reducing bad LDL cholesterol levels.

  • Oats contain soluble fiber, which is necessary to reduce the lipoprotein caused by LDL.
  • At the same time, the lipoprotein minimizes the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream.


A combination of oats and any type of fruit, such as a banana or nuts, is both a suitable and easy-to-prepare breakfast for fighting high cholesterol.

2. Avocados


This tip may surprise you, as many people with high cholesterol avoid avocados. It is often believed that this is a food that is too high in calories and fats.

  • Avocados are a true source of nutrients and simple unsaturated fats ideal for maintaining a balanced amount of cholesterol.
  • As you get used to making avocados part of your eating habits, it not only has a positive impact on your heart health, but it also lowers bad cholesterol.


  • For breakfast, you can top a slice of whole grain bread with a slice of avocado and tomato.
  • You can also combine a few pieces of avocado in a bowl with a banana and a little honey.

3. Lemon with garlic for high cholesterol

The Fundación Española del Corazón (FEC, in German: Spanish Foundation of the Heart) points out that garlic is particularly good for health. It is not only considered a natural antibiotic, but also has a dehydrating, cleansing, antiseptic and antibacterial effect at the same time.

  • Eating a clove of garlic in the morning will help lower high cholesterol.
  • A quick home remedy made from garlic and lemon is also effective.


    • Juice of one lemon
    • a clove of garlic
    • a glass of water (200 ml)


    • The preparation is very simple: heat a little water and then add the lemon juice.
    • Before drinking, eat the clove of garlic on an empty stomach. Then you can take the now lukewarm drink in sips.

    Repeat the process two to three times a week.

    4. Toasted rye bread with olive oil

    Rye bread

    It is important to choose the right type of bread for breakfast. It’s best to choose whole grain bread that is high in fiber but not refined flour.

    • In particular, avoid toasted bread to lower cholesterol. If you want to eat a healthy diet, you should rather use rye bread.
    • For even better enjoyment, add a little olive oil to a slice of bread.

    Rye bread is rich in fiber and nutrients. It is made up of iron and group B vitamins, which help keep blood cholesterol levels stable.

    Extra virgin olive oil in particular has a high nutritional quality. It is made up of many monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid), vitamin E and phytosterols, all of which protect the heart.


    You should make sure that your breakfast has some protein in addition to fiber. For example, you can combine a slice of bread with a slice of turkey breast.

    Eggs are also a good option in moderate amounts. If you enjoy eating them, you can incorporate them into your breakfast once or twice a week.

    5. White tea for high cholesterol

    White tea

    White tea is available in almost every supermarket. It’s undoubtedly the best natural drink for people with high cholesterol.

    • White tea has hypocholesterolemic properties and high antioxidant effects.
    • It was already consumed in the ancient Orient, is detoxifying and helps to stimulate the metabolism for weight loss.

    High Cholesterol: What To Look For

    White tea alone won’t cause your cholesterol levels to level off. For this reason, you must also eat a balanced diet without saturated fat and baked goods in order to lower cholesterol.

    If you follow this advice and adjust your breakfast accordingly, you will see results soon. You can have a cup of white tea this morning if you like.

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