Red Birthmarks, What Exactly Is It?

Red birthmarks, almost everyone has them. They are basically harmless. However, as soon as you notice changes in shape and color, you should see a dermatologist.

Red birthmarks, what exactly is it?

You have surely spotted at least one or more red dots on your skin:  red birthmarks or moles.

They are usually small and crimson in color. Often times, they are also a little raised and appear predominantly on your neck, chest, or back.

Perhaps you have also wondered what the cause of red birthmarks , also known medically as nevus, is? Are they dangerous? Do you have to have them removed?

In today’s article we want to give you some important information on this topic. Just read on!

Birthmark (nevus) is the generic term for all benign growths of cells.

The term mole is colloquially used to describe benign growths of pigment-forming cells of the skin; in medical terminology, the mole is called pigmented nevus. A mole is usually brownish-red in color.

Some birthmarks are bright red in color and appearing on the skin can cause concern.

Usually they don’t cause pain, but they are an aesthetic problem for many people.

You have probably already asked yourself where they come from and how do they come about? Are they dangerous? Do you have to change your diet? Are they signs of illness?

We can calm you down. Basically, red birthmarks are harmless. There are a few things you should know about her, however.

What are the causes of red birthmarks?

red birthmarks
  • Certainly, red birthmarks are an attractive individual beauty feature for some people. However, you should be aware that these are cell changes in your skin that you need to watch. The scientific name for the colloquially known blood sponges is hemangioma. They mostly occur in people with very light skin color and especially in young children and people of old age.
  • Usually these dots are harmless. But if they appear suddenly and in large numbers, they could be a sign of illness. Experts also see a connection with liver problems.
  • The appearance of these moles can also be triggered by poor diet. Toxins accumulate in the liver or intestines and can often no longer be broken down sufficiently.
  • The cause is due to abnormal growth of the fine  blood vessels.
  • Red birthmarks are 1 to 4 millimeters in diameter and can appear on your armpits, heels, genital area, chest, back, arms, legs, etc.
  • If you notice red dots on your face, hands, or other parts of your body, it could be an indication that you are exposing yourself to intense sunlight. You should be very careful here.
  • Look carefully at the edge and structure of these spots. If they are irregular, rough, and larger than 6 mm, you should see your dermatologist.
  • You should also watch out for possible red birthmarks on your children. These can occur especially in children with very light skin. Check your children’s skin regularly. So you can recognize changes early on.
  • Often birthmarks are also genetic and therefore inherited.
  • Another cause of red birthmarks can be mild  hormonal imbalances in women.
  • In addition, they are often an age-related phenomenon.


Female doctor examines red birthmarks

First of all, if you discover red moles on your skin, don’t worry. As a rule, they are harmless and do not require treatment.

However, the following points must be observed:

  • If you notice an increase in red birthmarks on your chest (thorax), you should see a dermatologist. One or two are not bad, but if several suddenly appear at the same time, it could be an indication of a health problem.
  • You should also examine the shape of the spots. Are they symmetrical or asymmetrical in shape? If the moles are asymmetrical in shape, you should see your doctor.
  • You should also watch the color of the birthmarks. A red even color is not a problem. However, if the color changes and the moles are getting darker and darker, you should have a specialist examine you.

    Treatment and prevention

    Lemons against red birthmarks
    • To avoid or delay the development of red birthmarks, experts recommend  regular colon cleansing. This will also strengthen your liver.
    • Drink at least two liters of water a day.
    • Eat enough fresh vegetables. Vegetable juices are also very suitable, for example carrot, artichoke or celery juice .
    • The spirulina alga is also perfect for breaking down toxins in the intestines.
    • Of course,  avocado and olive oil should n’t be missing in your diet.
    • Start your day with a glass of lemon juice.
    • Drink a glass of fruit juice (cranberry, pineapple, pomegranate …) twice a day
    • You should also avoid dairy products. Instead, you can replace them with plant-based “milk” products. Try an almond or coconut milk, they taste delicious.
    • In addition, you should drink a cup of dandelion tea once a day  , it has a very strong cleaning effect.
    • In addition to a healthy diet, you can take other measures to avoid unsightly red birthmarks. It is particularly important that you protect yourself  from too much sun. Especially avoid the times when the sun is strongest. Use sunscreen and sunscreen zones, provide your skin with sufficient moisture and take plenty of vitamin C to you.
    • Usually the red birthmarks do not go away anymore. However, if they still bother you, there are various natural treatments that you can use.  So you can put onion juice on the birthmark every day and cover everything with a plaster or bandage. Repeat this application until the mole or birthmark disappears. An alternative treatment is taking vitamin C supplements every day.

      Basically, you should pay attention to a balanced diet so that toxins in your body can be broken down more easily. This will prevent the formation of red birthmarks.

      Your skin will surely thank you!

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