Pregnancy: Family Support Is Essential!

Pregnancy is a wonderful and complex process. During this time, the mother-to-be needs a lot of support from her partner and family. You can dig deeper into this topic with this article.

Pregnancy: family support is essential!

The support of the family during pregnancy is very important, but this is often underestimated. But the mother-to-be and her growing baby benefit in many ways.

The pregnant woman experiments large physical and hormonal changes and  is particularly prone to stress. Therefore, family support can have many advantages and, among other things, it can also prevent postpartum depression.

The arrival of a new family member also means that new bonds are created. The family is growing and mother and child need a lot of care from their family.

Family support during pregnancy

Things Pregnant Women Should Not Hear

A pregnant woman is sitting on a windowsill and needs the support of the family during pregnancy.

Pregnant women experiment a very rich, altered world of emotions,  but often have to listen to negative comments from others. A few examples that negatively affect expectant mothers are:

  • “Watch what you eat! Otherwise you will never reach your normal weight again! “
  • “Are you going to keep the baby?”
  • “Are you going to have another baby or will it stay with one?
  • “What about your job?”

These types of negative comments can affect the health of the pregnant woman and therefore the baby as well. Even if these comments are not meant to be malicious, they are out of place. During pregnancy, mother and child need  the support of the family and their fellow human beings, but no negative comments.

The support of the father is also essential!

The unconditional support of the future father during pregnancy will help the mother more easily cope with mood swings, stress and other discomforts during pregnancy.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to uncertainty, anxiety, and irritability. It is precisely at these moments that the partnership should become stronger and the couple should feel closer than ever.

The mother-to-be needs someone to  listen patiently when she wants to talk about all of the changes she’s experimenting. It is wonderful to share this experience with the father-to-be.

What to do if there is no family support?

A pregnant woman is walking outside.

The family does not always understand how important their support is during this time. If this is the case, we have a few recommendations for you: 

  • If you have questions about your pregnancy, don’t reach out to friends or family for answers. Only experts can give you precise answers on this topic. 
  • If family members interfere negatively,  you should  set boundaries and demand respect.
  • Your family and fellow human beings should stand by your side during this time of change, but  if they affect you negatively, it is better to keep your distance. 

    Family support: what can you do?

    If your family or future dad is unsure of how to support you during pregnancy,  you should help them! An expectant mother can be pampered and supported with simple gestures:

    • Small tokens of love are particularly important during this time.
    • The mother-to-be  needs attention and should sense her family’s interest if she wants to talk about fears and feelings.
    • Existing problems should not be dismissed as unimportant, especially when it comes to the growing baby. The family should also understand and take this into account.
    • The mother-to-be’s freedom must be respected. Sometimes she wants to be alone or maybe doesn’t feel like talking.

      Final remarks

      A pregnant woman is undergoing a medical exam and needs family support during pregnancy.

      Family support is very important during pregnancy, as the mood and health of mother and baby depend on it, among other things. Family members should ask themselves  how they can help the mother-to-be to make her feel safe and secure. 

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