Possible Causes Of Headaches When Waking Up

Headaches when waking up can have very harmless causes, but they can also indicate a health problem that you should take seriously.

Possible causes of headache on waking

If we have a headache when we wake up, we usually know the cause. But we are not always right and we do not always have the faintest idea where the headache might come from when waking up.

A headache on waking is usually harmless

If you have a headache when you wake up , don’t worry right away. However, if you keep waking up with a headache, you should get to the bottom of the possible cause and find out why your head is bothering you in the morning.

If you cannot find the cause yourself, please see your doctor and tell him about the headache when you wake up. It is good if you have a precise description of your headache and have noted the frequency and intensity, for example in a diary.

Possible reasons for a waking headache are:


As banal as it sounds, a fluid deficit is very often the cause. If our body lacks only 2% fluid, our performance is reduced, the supply of the cells with nutrients is restricted by the changed flow properties of the blood. This can irritate the nerve cells in the brain.

Often you do not notice that you have an unbalanced fluid balance. Depending on the ambient temperature and humidity , the body loses up to a liter of water through sweat and breath during sleep, for example. It is therefore important not only to ventilate your bed and bedroom in the morning, but also to replenish the fluid lost at breakfast.

A “symbolic” cup of coffee in the morning is not enough, however, it should be more! It is advisable to consume at least half a liter of additional liquid for breakfast. If you do not do that , you will start the new day with a fluid deficit and this can lead to headaches.

lack of sleep

You know very well yourself whether a lack of sleep could be the reason for your headache. That doesn’t have to mean that last night was too short. Maybe you’ve been dragging yourself through life for days with far too little sleep?

Tense muscles

Tense muscles are not only caused by stress, overload or at work due to an incorrect sitting posture. Also an incorrect sleeping position, an improper mattress, or for you unsuitable pillow “train” on the neck can lead to muscle tension.

A hot shower or massage brings short relief, but in order to wake up without a headache in the long term, you should think about a new mattress and / or a new pillow and see if you regulate the ventilation of the bedroom differently.


The night sleep is supposed to serve as relaxation, but far too often we take our problems and worries with us to bed. This can lead to poor sleep, tense muscles and, as a result, headaches when you wake up.


One speaks of bruxism when those affected unconsciously grind their teeth, clench their teeth or perform other movements of the jaw that are detrimental to the teeth. In some cases, the grinding of teeth, usually at night, can be so loud that those affected do not wake up themselves, but their partners do.

The permanent strain on teeth, temporomandibular joint and muscles in the case of bruxism is inevitable and some symptoms of bruxism are triggered or can exacerbate them. This includes a headache when you wake up. A dental splint can help, consult your dentist!

Cold and sinusitis or sinusitis

Perhaps you are developing a real cold or your cold is developing into a sinus or sinus infection. Then it makes sense that you wake up with a headache. The best medicine then is: stay in bed and cure yourself! It doesn’t get any better if you get up or take pain medication!

high blood pressure

Like bruxism, high blood pressure is one of the causes of waking headaches that you need to work with your doctor to resolve. High blood pressure can lead not only to headaches, but also to death if left untreated.

If you can rule out all of the possible causes of morning headaches mentioned above, you should consult your doctor one way or another!

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