Pimples On The Back: How Does It Come About?

Very often unsightly and annoying pimples form on the back, which cause many worries. Only when the exact reasons have been determined can the appropriate treatment be started. 

Pimples on the back: how does it come about?

Many worry when they notice pimples on their backs. Often a larger pimple is accompanied by several small ones. In this case it is important to have  a differential diagnosis made. Because even if the pimples are obviously harmless, there could be a disease behind them. Often it is a sebum cyst or a boil.

Most pimples are caused by clogging of the skin when the body produces too much fat, but it is still beneficial to get a medical examination to find out the exact cause. The external examination is often sufficient to obtain an accurate diagnosis. Usually no further examinations are necessary.

The accumulation of fat under the skin is called a  lipoma. Usually it is a harmless new formation of adipose tissue that does not require treatment. Lipomas are benign and generally limited to a certain size that does not affect other body structures. However, in rare cases, a giant lipoma or an internal lipoma can form, which could lead to unexpected complications. This could also affect organ functions, among other things.

Pimples on the back: differential diagnosis

As already mentioned at the beginning,  a differential diagnosis is important for pimples on the back. The doctor assesses whether it is a lipoma or another skin lesion with similar properties. We will then go into more detail on the three most common forms.

Woman has pimples on her back
In the case of pimples on the back, a differential diagnosis is important in order to be able to precisely assess the type of skin injury.

1. Lipoma

It is a new formation of fatty tissue that takes place very slowly and progressively. Often times, the patient discovered this type of pimple by accident. Because it does not cause pain and once it has reached a certain level, it does not increase in size. Unless it is the aforementioned giant lipoma, which, however, only occurs very rarely.

If the lipoma is small, the doctor usually recommends doing nothing. However, if it is large, uncomfortable, or unsightly, minor local surgery can remove it.

2. Boils

An inflammation of the hair follicle is called a boil. This can happen especially in the lower back, where there is more hair. This inflammation can cause some pain.

If there are complications, pus can develop, which leaks out when pressure is applied. This is different from a lipoma, which does not cause secretions. Treatment for a boil is with antibiotics if an infection is present. The pus is drained through a drain and the wound is cleaned and disinfected with an antiseptic.

3. Sebum cyst

This injury is also very similar to the lipoma in that there is also fat inside the pimple. The histological difference is the  shell of the cyst and there is also glandular secretion. This type of pimple is practically never painful, but like a boil it can become infected.

When you feel it, you can feel that the pimple moves and collapses slightly when you press it. As with lipoma, treatment depends on its size and whether the sebum cyst is causing discomfort. The cyst can be removed with local surgery as needed. 

Symptoms and Risk Factors

Lipomas on the back are very common. They can also appear on the arms or neck. It occurs less often on the lower limbs. 

When palpated, the lipoma is soft and easy to move. With a little pressure, it sinks slightly, but it does not contain any fluid like a cyst, so it reacts with a slight resistance. A doctor can identify these types of pimples very easily by palpation because they are very distinctive.

In most cases, the size of the lipoma is limited to a maximum of 4 to 5 centimeters. If it is larger, we are already talking about a giant lipoma that needs other treatment as it penetrates deeper structures and removal is not that easy.

The causes of lipoma development are not entirely known. There are likely to be genetic factors that play a role, as these types of pimples are common in certain families. But there are no conclusive study results on this topic.

In terms of age,  it mostly affects adults between the ages of 30 and 60. There is no clear information as to why this is so.

Back pimples: lipoma
Lipomas can sometimes become very large and impair organ functions.

Back pimples: when do I have to see a doctor?

As soon as you notice unusual pimples on your back, you should get a differential diagnosis. Your doctor can quickly tell if it’s a lipoma or other skin lesion. He will then advise you accordingly and tell you whether treatment is necessary or not.

Several additional symptoms indicate that a quick doctor’s visit is needed:

  • Enlargement of the pimple
  • Presence of pus that leaks outward
  • Hardening of the supposed lipoma with loss of mobility and softness
  • Swelling of the ganglia in the area of ​​the lipoma

Back pimples: what to do

Even if lipomas are benign, they should be examined by a doctor. After a differential diagnosis, you no longer have any doubts that this is actually what it is. This is especially important if there is additional symptoms, infection, enlargement, or swelling.

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