Pain In The Lower Back Area: 3 Efficient Prevention Techniques

Pain often manifests itself in the back area, which is often due to long periods of sitting, poor posture or overloading the back. We therefore recommend various very efficient techniques today that will help you prevent lower back complaints in everyday life. 

Lower Back Pain: 3 Efficient Preventative Techniques

In the  lower back  there is often pain and injuries of various kinds. Depending on the cause and intensity we have different treatment options available, but, as always, is the appropriate precautions the best medicine.

Pain in the lumbar spine (lumbar spine), which consists of five vertebrae, is very common and is triggered by a wide variety of causes:  Sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, overexertion and stress can all lead to this.

We then recommend three different treatment options that you can use to maintain the health of your spine. 

The most common causes of lower back pain 

Inadvertent movement or lifting heavy loads are typical triggers for lumbar pain. If inflammation in the lower back is not treated properly, complications could result.

Intense pain can spread to the buttocks and legs, or even the feet. This is often the case with a disc injury.

A lack of exercise often leads to osteoarthritis in the lumbar area. Furthermore, the vertebrae could shift towards each other, which is known as spondylosis or vertebral sliding. When the vertebrae put pressure on each other, a nerve can become trapped, causing intense pain.

Lower back pain can also be the result of other ailments, such as infection, rheumatism, or osteoporosis. It should not be forgotten that stress and daily tension can also lead to muscle tension and back pain. 

Prevent lower back pain with stretching exercises

Prevent lower back pain with stretching exercises
By stretching the muscles, you can prevent tension and find balance. As a result, you will also have less pain.

One way to prevent lower back pain is to do regular stretching exercises. The pain usually does not arise overnight, but announces itself slowly and sporadically. However, if you do not listen to these signs and do not treat them, they can become more intense and also interfere with your daily life.

Gentle stretching exercises are very helpful in preventive care. For example, while sitting, you can bend forward and bring your chest up to your thighs to stretch your back. Let your arms hang down and relax your shoulders as well.

Breathing exercises for lower back pain 

Simple breathing exercises can make an important difference and relieve a variety of back problems. You have to  adopt the correct posture and breathe consciously to relieve tension in the spine. 

Andrew Weil, director of the University of Arizona College of Integral Medicine recommends the 4, 7, 2 breathing technique for loin pain relief. Counting to 4 as you inhale, then holding your breath as you count to 7, and counting as you exhale 2.

For this method to work,  you lie on your back on a floor mat and only breathe in and out through your nose using this method. Repeat this breathing technique three to four times a day.

Muscle training against back pain

Muscle training for lower back pain
In addition to other measures, the training of the muscles is very important to give the back support.

By strengthening your back muscles,  you can prevent pain. Your back has more support and at the same time you can improve your posture. Don’t forget that training the abdominal muscles, which oppose the back muscles, and strengthening the shoulder and pelvic muscles are also essential.

If you work out in the gym, make  time to work out your lumbar area. You can also include exercises for the hip flexors and hamstrings. However, do not overstrain yourself and listen to your body’s needs!

Closing words

To prevent lower back pain,  stretching exercises several times a day is recommended, especially if you sit for a long time. In addition, you should try to reduce tension in the spine, eat a healthy and balanced diet, and strengthen your muscles and bones.

Also, try to avoid abrupt movements, lifting heavy weights, and incorrect postures to protect yourself. 

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