Overweight Children: Two Diet Models For Losing Weight

In recent years there have been an increasing number of obese or overweight children. Today we are introducing you to two nutritional models that you can use to change the diet of your children.

Obese Children: Two Diets for Weight Loss

Overweight children have been a growing problem in recent years. The number of children suffering from obesity, also known as obesity, is increasing dramatically.

Many parents are therefore looking for dietary recommendations for their children in order to prevent the consequences and long-term effects of obesity. Obesity can cause your child to develop heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and many other diseases and conditions. Often, overweight children are also socially excluded. For this reason, today we want to give you some nutritional recommendations that should help you to feed your child balanced and healthy. The recommendations are specially formulated for children with obesity.

Overweight children need your help in developing healthy eating habits

obese children - chips

If you have overweight children, you should pay special attention to how many calories they are consuming each day. At the same time, it is very important that you give them an adequate and balanced diet. This should consist of many fruits, vegetables and whole grain products. At the same time, you should avoid refined and industrially processed foods.

It’s also important to include low-fat dairy products in your diet. In addition, you should reduce your consumption of red meat and instead put lighter options such as poultry and fish on the menu more often.

Legumes are also an essential part of these nutritional models because they contain large amounts of valuable proteins.

You should also make sure that the portions of the individual meals are not too large. This will prevent overweight children from consuming too many calories at once. Of course, your child also has to limit their consumption of sugar and saturated fat very severely.

While all of these recommendations are very important, you will find that most children do not enjoy eating vegetables and legumes that much.

So your job is to find recipes that will help you prepare your children’s favorite dishes in a healthier way. It is also very important that you explain to your child why this change in diet is necessary. Be sure to help them develop healthier eating habits.

Nutritional models for overweight children

obese children - fruit

Below we give you two menu suggestions that you can use to feed overweight children healthily on a daily basis. The suggestions include foods that will provide your children with sufficient amounts of all the nutrients they need.

  • Breakfast : If you give your children dairy products for breakfast, you should definitely choose the low-fat varieties. For example, combine a low-fat yogurt with a whole grain toast and a little olive oil. You can also offer your child a fresh, self-squeezed fruit juice.
  • Lunch : To give your child enough energy and protein, you can enrich a green salad with seeds and vegetables. Alternatively, you can serve pasta with vegetables and grilled fish. Your child can also eat a small dessert. However, you should make sure that it contains as little sugar as possible. For example, low-fat yogurt with a few fruits is ideal.
  • Snack : If you are a small child your afternoon snack want to offer, then you should make sure that this is not too heavy. Therefore, a dish made from fruits or a bowl of whole grain muesli with skimmed milk is ideal as a snack between meals.
  • Dinner : Vegetables should also be on the menu in the evening. You can also serve your kids mashed potatoes and baked chicken. A banana or a peach is suitable as a dessert. In this way, your children also consume the amount of fruit they need every day.

    Here is another suggestion on how to eat a balanced, healthy diet for overweight children.

    • Breakfast:  Start the day with a fruit smoothie with low-fat milk. You can also serve it with wholemeal toast and lean ham. Alternatively, you can use low-fat yogurt instead of milk. If your child likes a heartier breakfast, you can make a toast with avocado, olive oil, and salt, for example. This will provide your child with healthy fatty acids.
    • Lunch : For lunch you can cook brown rice with vegetables and mushrooms, peas, tomatoes or a zucchini cream soup. This will give your child the required amount of vegetables. To give them a little more appetite for this menu, you can add a few crispy croutons to the soup or salad.
    • Snack : In the afternoon you should offer your child fruit or a low-fat dairy product. So that he doesn’t lose the appetite for this diet, you can pamper him with a toast with dark chocolate cream. Alternatively, you can brush the toast with cream cheese and honey. This will give your child a little sugar every now and then, because all children have a thing for sugar. However, you should make sure that this is only consumed occasionally and in small quantities.
    • Dinner : A delicious idea is, for example, pasta with roasted asparagus or tomato and mozzarella skewers. You can also prepare a fruit salad.

    Final recommendations

    Basically, when eating for overweight children, you should ensure that they consume as little sugar as possible. It is also important that you make sure that they eat meals slowly. In addition, you should avoid eating ready-made or packaged foods.

    It is also important that your children do not eat while watching TV or other activities. And of course, overweight children in particular should exercise regularly.

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