Oolong Or Blue Tea For Weight Loss

Blue tea is an excellent way to help you lose weight. Do you know its merits? Today you will learn more about it so that you too can benefit from all the advantages.

Oolong or blue tea for weight loss

Blue tea is modern. It is also known as oolong or dragon tea and has been researched in numerous studies that found it to be very effective for losing weight.

The taste is a mixture of different aromas, between green and red tea. Simply delicious and very healthy! You too can benefit from it.

Oolong has an excellent reputation among experts. It is fine, has a pleasant taste and numerous extraordinary properties that make it unique. Oolong comes from the high altitude areas of Taiwan and China.

There it has a long tradition and is used, among other things , for weight loss. A healthy and natural way to shed a few pounds. Learn more about it in this post.

Properties of blue tea


Regular consumption of oolong tea can do the following:

  • As already mentioned, this tea is very suitable as a support for weight loss. Various studies have shown that Oolong stimulates the metabolism more than other types of tea. It enables natural fat burning.
  • Activates the liver metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Oolong tea is a great antioxidant.
  • Used for the prevention and treatment of fatty liver.
  • Also recommended for cancer prevention and to strengthen the immune system.
  • Protects the cardiovascular system, helps cleanse the arteries, and improves blood circulation.

Does Blue Tea Really Help You Lose Weight?

lose weight


  • A new study from the University of Colorado (USA) published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders found that blue tea helps with both obesity and fatty liver disease.
  • A team of researchers from the University of Maryland Health Center  has also concluded that oolong tea is excellent for weight loss because of the antioxidants it contains (more than green tea).

Why does blue tea help you lose weight?

  • LK Han, the main author of the study, explains that thanks to the adequate amount of caffeine, the tea stimulates the body to burn calories and at the same time has a diuretic effect. It also includes catechins. These are excellent antioxidants that stimulate metabolism and improve oxidation as well as thermogenesis, which leads to fat burning.
  • The polyphenols contained prevent type I diabetes and also have a positive effect on glucose metabolism.

Preparation of the oolong tea



The preparation of the tea is an art, you have to know each type of tea exactly in order to benefit from the advantages. There are special rules for blue tea, which we will explain to you afterwards.

  • One teaspoon of oolong leaves per cup of water.
  • Use bottled water.
  • If possible, do not use a metal teapot, otherwise many properties of the tea can be lost. Teapots made of clay and earth, as used in the Orient, are best.
  • In order to prepare a good blue tea, the water has to be very hot (between 90 and 100ยบ). Add the leaves to the water, then let the tea steep for  just three minutes. It is important not to exceed this time as oolong tea oxidizes quickly.

    How is oolong drunk?

    • One hour before the main meal or one hour after it is ideal . Do not forget that the tea contains tannins, which can prevent or worsen the absorption and utilization of iron immediately after eating. Therefore it is best to do it an hour before or 1 hour after.
    • You can drink two cups of oolong tea a day. It is important that you take the tea regularly. Avoid sugar. You can use a teaspoon of honey or a little stevia to sweeten it.

    Where can I get blue tea?

    blue tea cup

    The blue tea is becoming more and more popular and is therefore available in many supermarkets and of course also in health food stores. The tea is in great demand for both weight loss and the treatment of diabetes.

    As already mentioned, it is known under the names of blue tea, oolong tea or dragon tea. This delicious drink is not very expensive and offers great health benefits. Try it!

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