Oily Skin In Winter: What Can Be Done Against It?

Cold and wind have a significant impact on our skin, especially when it comes to dryness. Why is it important to take special care of oily skin in winter? In this article we want to provide some clarity.

Oily skin in winter: what can be done about it?

Some believe that oily skin doesn’t need much maintenance in winter as this time of year only attacks dry skin. That’s not quite true. Regular care of oily skin in winter is absolutely essential to maintain its vitality and freshness.

Of course, oily skin does not behave in the same way as dry or sensitive skin in the cold. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t need winter grooming to keep it moist and keep it from looking dull and lifeless.

It is important to know that there can be a “rebound” effect if there is a lack of maintenance in winter. This means that in the face of dry air, the skin can react with the increased production of fats and all the problems associated with it.

The winter and the skin

oily skin in winter

The cold has consequences for all skin types as it generally has a drying effect. However, oily skin can be most affected during periods of low temperature and high humidity.

This can make it noticeably paler than other skin types. But that’s not the biggest problem. The point is that in winter, the skin loses water and nutrients. The cold causes the capillaries to contract, which in turn leads to a decrease in oxygen, moisture and nutrients. Under these conditions, the volume of the dead cells increases.

With a lot of dead skin cells, it is easier for the pores to become clogged. Then the so-called “rebound effect” can occur, which leads to an increase in blackheads and pimples on the face. For all of these reasons, it’s imperative to take extra care of your oily skin in winter.

Regularly care for oily skin in winter

Regular care of oily skin in winter requires several measures. First, you need to take care to oxygenate, moisturize, and protect your skin . We now recommend the following steps that should be taken in order to maintain healthy skin and to avoid the rebound effect at all costs.

  • Proper cleaning of the skin is fundamental. Ideally, you should wash your face twice a day. We recommend a special cleaning agent, an antibacterial agent of natural origin. You can do something good for your skin by adding mint or tea tree extract. This removes impurities and helps to close the pores.
  • Double cleaning is recommended. For better results, it is best to apply an oil-free lotion after washing your face. Witch hazel, rosemary, ivy or aloe vera are excellent.
  • Moisturizing is essential. Once the face is clean, it is important to apply a moisturizer for oily skin. As a rule, these are products with cosmetic acids, such as B. hyaluronic acid. Such products restore the skin’s natural moisture.
  • You should drink enough water and protect yourself from excessive sun exposure. It is recommended that you drink plenty of water during the day and apply suitable sunscreen every day.
  • Peels. It makes sense to scrub the skin twice a week to remove the dead cells. It is best to avoid the use of highly abrasive scrubs.

    BONUS tips for caring for oily skin

    oily skin in winter

    In addition to the steps above, we may consider additional care products for oily skin in winter for best results. You can also use these care products without hesitation:

    • The application of masks. Masks are very helpful in refining the appearance of the skin, especially if it looks very dull. The masks that contain green tea, blue agave and marigold are highly recommended . It’s best to apply it twice a week.
    • P eeling with salicylic acid. If the skin looks very shiny or greasy despite the care, a deep peeling with salicylic acid is a good choice. It helps in getting rid of blackheads and pimples and reduces the sheen on the skin.
    • The right products. Usually, moisturizing gels or cream gels are best. You should make sure that they regulate sebum, are non-comedogenic and are oil-free. The recommendation of the products to be used should be made by the dermatologist and not by advertising.

    In short, caring for oily skin in winter is just as important as caring for other skin types. It is completely sufficient to intensify a few basic care measures in order to avoid dermatological problems during this time.

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