New Highly Effective Treatment For Bad Cholesterol

This new medicine can be excellent for people who are unresponsive to conventional treatments. This not only reduces bad cholesterol (LDL), but also alleviates arteriosclerosis.

New highly effective treatment for bad cholesterol

Cholesterol and triglyceride levels are of the utmost importance for cardiovascular health. Those who control the fat level in the blood and ensure balanced values ​​can save themselves a lot of problems. There is good and  bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol is generally viewed as negative, but one should not forget that it is a natural fat that is very important for the body.

The key, however, is balance. One should make sure that the cholesterol level always stays in a healthy range and that the fat does not build up in the arteries.

However, sometimes  genetic conditions also play a role. Not only can these lead to high cholesterol, but they can also make you resistant to certain drugs used to treat high cholesterol.

Despite taking medication, these lipoproteins can cling to arterial walls and be dangerous. But there is now a new treatment that can help prevent this risk.

A ray of hope that we will report on below.

Evolocumab, a new effective treatment for high cholesterol

This new medicine was developed to reduce the cholesterol level in those patients who cannot see improvement on other drugs. It has been available under the name evolocumab since 2014.

In the same year, a study was started to find out whether the expected goals could actually be achieved with this drug. The results bring new hope.
Not only can this medicine reduce bad cholesterol, it is also very useful for relieving atherosclerosis.

A new, very effective drug against high cholesterol levels


In November, the American Collegte of Cartiology (USA) published the above-mentioned study, in which the previous results of the treatment against cholesterol with the drug evolocumab were  analyzed .

  • The purpose of this medicine is to provide treatment for patients at increased risk of cardiovascular disease who do not respond to other statin medications.
  • The results of the study were very positive. Evolocumab safely reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.
  • The results are visible after 24 weeks: after this time, the cholesterol level in the arteries is minimal, consequently the risk of cardiovascular diseases can be significantly reduced.
  • This medication is an important therapeutic tool for anyone who is genetically predisposed to hypercholesterolemia, has had a heart attack, or is unable to reduce cholesterol with statins.

How does this treatment work?

In order to be effective in reducing cholesterol in drug-resistant patients, the two treatments must be combined.

  • On the one hand, the drug with statins will continue to be prescribed.
  • On the other hand, evolocumab, a drug that works as a PCSK9 inhibitor, is also given.
  • This medicine has been available in most countries for a few years  and has had excellent results around the world.

Objective: to cure arteriosclerosis

sick artery

Atherosclerosis is a slow but fatal disease that begins with deposits (atheromas) that build up inside the arteries.

  • Atheromas are formed not only from cholesterol, but also from calcium and other substances present in the blood.
  • One of the problems with this is that there are no symptoms to indicate it. It is therefore a silent disease that can only be diagnosed through blood analysis.
  • If the problem is not discovered in time,  atherosclerosis can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
  • Another challenge for doctors is that there are many people who do not respond to traditional treatments for high cholesterol. Stephen J. Nichols is the leader of the aforementioned study of the effectiveness of evolocumab, which has been shown to be very effective in treating atherosclerosis in all cases.
  • The coronary arteries show very positive changes after a few months. With this drug, the risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced better than ever.

Who can take this medication?

  • Adult patients who are already taking a maximum of statins and who have cardiovascular disease.
  • Adults with predisposed hypercholesterolemia who are already taking the highest tolerated amount of statins.
  • Adolescents aged 12 and over with a predisposition to hypercholesterolemia who are already taking statin medication
  • All patients in the previously mentioned three groups who cannot tolerate statins.

    If you do not fall into any of the groups mentioned above, if your cholesterol level is only slightly elevated and there is no genetic strain, you will continue to take the usual treatment prescribed by your doctor.

    In addition, proper nutrition and daily half an hour of aerobic exercise should not be forgotten.

    Cholesterol is the antagonist that claims numerous lives every year. This is why it is important to do your best to avoid this and to be aware that healthy living habits can make an important contribution to this.

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