Natural Remedies For Gastroesophageal Reflux

The calming effects of some herbs and supplements help alleviate the symptoms caused by gastroesophageal reflux. They also help prevent acidic juices from flowing back into the esophagus.

Natural remedies for gastroesophageal reflux

There are a number of herbs and supplements available to help speed gastroesophageal reflux relief. Although it is necessary to have the help of a doctor assess the disease, taking these types of remedies can go a long way in helping to reduce symptoms.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease usually causes the stomach acid to move upward towards the esophagus. Those who have it usually experience a burning pain in their throat and irritation. In fact, in more severe cases, this can lead to the development of injuries to the mucous membrane, as well as laryngitis and cancer.

Treatment for this condition may include over-the-counter acid blockers or prescription drugs to curb excess acid production. However , as far as possible, care is taken to control them through diet and natural solutions. Discover some recommendations.

This will speed up gastroesophageal reflux relief

Dietary changes are one of the key measures to expedite acid reflux relief. In fact, it is the first step taken before trying any medication. Therefore, it is best to change your eating habits before using any conventional or herbal remedy.

There are certain plants and supplements that will help increase feelings of relief. This is especially true if the acidosis occurs in certain cases. Although more scientific evidence is needed to confirm their effects, their use is generally safe and has good effects.

Ginger root

Ginger root is good for reflux
The gingerols are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of this ancient root.

A moderate amount of ginger can help control gastroesophageal reflux. In fact, this plant is used as a remedy for many types of digestive ailments. It owes its properties to the component gingerol, which acts as an anti-inflammatory.

How is it to be taken?

  • Ginger root can be consumed as a tea or extract. If consumed in excess, the opposite effects can occur. That is why it is best to drink a spoonful of ginger mixed with a cup of hot water once a day.


Chamomile tea helps with reflux
Chamomile contains soothing and digestive agents that help relieve reflux.

This sedative is a great way to speed up relief from reflux and reduce irritation in the throat. The plant has anti-inflammatory, digestive, and calming properties. In doing so, it reduces the effects of acidic gastric juices on the esophagus.

How is it to be taken?

  • Scald a spoonful of chamomile with boiling water.
  • Let the tea steep, then pour it through a sieve. Drink it lukewarm.
  • Repeat this remedy 2 or 3 times a day.

Mint oil

Mint oil can help relieve reflux
The essential oils contained in mint have shown positive effects on digestion in some studies.

Some research has shown that taking mint oil may reduce symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. This product is found in mint supplements and teas. Besides, it can also be purchased in its natural state. However, it must be diluted before consumption.

How to take it

  • Add 5 drops of mint oil to a cup of lukewarm water. If you want, you can add a little lemon juice.
  • Then take sips of the drink. Consume it twice a day like this.

Antioxidant supplements for reflux

Taking extra amounts of certain vitamins can be good for the digestive system and for reflux.

Fruits and vegetables have high concentrations of antioxidants that improve health. Even so, if you have reflux, it is best to supplement it with a good supplement. Vitamins like vitamins A, C and E are being studied for their ability to alleviate this disease

How are they to be taken?

  • First, ask your doctor or pharmacist. The professionals will help you choose the best antioxidant or multivitamin supplement. They will also set a dose based on your needs.

    Aloe vera

    Aloe vera gel helps against reflux
    Aloe vera has regenerative properties that alleviate and repair the damage caused by acid reflux.

    One of the most popular natural remedies to speed up reflux relief is aloe vera. However, because of its laxative effect, this plant should not be consumed in excess. But in moderate amounts, it will help soothe the irritation and burning sensation. Real aloe is even anti-inflammatory and helps repair tissue in the event of an injury or ulcer.

    How is it to be taken?

    • Remove a spoonful of the gel from an aloe leaf and pour it into a glass of water. Take the drink on an empty stomach or at the first sign of reflux.
    • If you want, add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lemon juice.
    • If the symptom persists, repeat the intake.

    Caution:  Don’t drink more than three glasses a day to avoid side effects like diarrhea.

    To be considered when treating reflux!

    Herbal products and supplements do not have miraculous properties. They also do not negate the influence of the bad habits that cause gastroesophageal reflux. Therefore , part of the success of the treatment depends on lifestyle. Avoiding tobacco, alcohol, obesity and irritating foods are essential measures.

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