Natural Remedies For Chronic Stress

Medicinal plants help wonderfully with stress – you can use them as a tea, but also as a bath additive.

Natural remedies for chronic stress

Stress is THE disease of this century. More and more people are suffering from the consequences of everyday urban life. What can you do about  chronic stress ?

Worries and hardships, hectic rush, financial problems, long to-do lists, fast food, dependence on social networks, poor sleep … all of these can cause chronic stress  .

Then we will show you what you can do against chronic stress.

Certain medicinal plants can help wonderfully with (chronic) stress. They have a calming effect  and can then provide some balance. Of course, you shouldn’t forget to get to the bottom of the cause and learn to manage and reduce stress properly.

Almost everyone is under stress

More and more people are suffering from stress, almost everyone is familiar with at least short periods of stress, but many are chronically stressed.  There are more and more severe symptoms.

Both intermittent and chronic stress  are unhealthy and have different consequences. Chronic stress  must be treated in any case in order to avoid secondary symptoms.

Among other things, stress leads to a weakened immune system and consequently makes us susceptible to illnesses. But not only a simple cold can result from it; people who are stressed for a long period of time  also have an increased risk of a heart attack. 

Stress can lead to the following symptoms, among others:

  • a headache
  • gastritis
  • sleep disorders
  • Muscle pain (especially in the neck)
  • Obesity
  • irritability
  • Visual disturbances

What can you do about chronic stress?

Various medicinal plants can help relieve stress and nervousness as they have a calming effect. These include the following herbs:


Chamomile is characterized by various health-promoting properties and is therefore very popular. It has been used for centuries to treat the following ailments:

  • fever
  • Indigestion
  • a headache
  • stomach problems
  • nervousness
  • fears
  • insomnia
  • Old age complaints

The chamomile has a relaxing effect and promotes well-being. Drink two cups of chamomile tea a day (preferably fresh from the flowers, if you don’t have this option, then dried), you will soon feel the calming effect.


Tarragon for chronic stress

Tarragon is particularly helpful for those who suffer from muscle pain and tension in the neck, shoulders and back due to stress reasons .

In addition, this medicinal plant helps to regulate the appetite (stress is usually more and less healthy eating) and has a calming effect . Tarragon is also highly recommended before an exam.


Rosemary has a very special taste that improves soups and sauces. The ancient Greeks used it as a headdress, assuming that rosemary cleared the head.

Rosemary works great for

  • Relaxation of the muscles,
  • Improve blood flow to the brain and
  • also helps reduce stress.

Rosemary is rich in minerals as well as vitamins.  This spice is available almost everywhere and can be used in many dishes.

Sage for chronic stress

Sage has been used as a remedy for various diseases for a long time. Sage also helps against stress wonderfully. In addition, it has medicinal plants

  • stimulating,
  • relaxing,
  • antioxidant and
  • heart-warming properties.

Sage clears the mind and then creates a good emotional balance.  It also helps with chronic stress.


Johannis herbs

Also known as Hipericum, St. John’s Wort can help with depression, for example, caused by stress.  The following effects are attributed to this herb:

  • Balance the stress hormones
  • Stimulation of the production of hormones, which then control the feeling of satiety
  • Relaxation of body, mind and soul


If you are suffering from stomach problems (e.g. heartburn) or indigestion due to stress, dill can be very helpful. This herb is also highly recommended for severe gastritis.

This plant has long been used for stomach problems and cramps.

How do you use stress relieving medicinal plants?


It is best to prepare a tea.


  • 1 tablespoon of your favorite herbs
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Bring the water to a boil and
  • Then scald the chosen herbs with it.
  • Cover the cup and then let the tea steep for five minutes.
  • Then strain and enjoy the tea.

Some people also find it very relaxing to use the plants as a bath additive. In this case, you prepare the tea as directed, then pour it into the bathtub filled with hot water and relax in it for a few minutes.

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