Natural Ointment For The Treatment Of Scars And Cuts

In order to achieve good results, it is not only important to use this ointment regularly. You should also drink enough water to keep your body hydrated and promote cell regeneration.

Natural ointment for the treatment of scars and cuts

Most of us have a scar somewhere that looks unsightly that we would like to reduce. However, it is very difficult to remove this fibrous replacement tissue, and often it is impossible. Here we introduce you to an ointment that can take care of your skin.

Cuts, scratches, or surgery are the main causes of scars. Even if these are not a health problem, they  can affect self-esteem  and self-confidence.

Fortunately, there are several cosmetic treatments available to nourish the skin and prevent scars.

Today we would like to recommend a 100% natural ointment  as an alternative to commercially available products  which is inexpensive and with which you can avoid side effects due to harmful active ingredients.

What is this natural ointment made of?


It is an  ecological product with disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties that  promotes skin health.

This ointment is made with beeswax. This has an antiseptic and emollient effect and is used in many cosmetics for the care and regeneration of the skin.

The ointment also contains cocoa butter. This moisturizes the skin and is rich in antioxidants, which protect against harmful substances and prevent symptoms such as eczema or dermatitis.

Other ingredients include vitamin E and marigold, both of which are also known for their rejuvenating and skin repairing properties as they work against free radicals.
The calendula also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects and is therefore often used for psoriasis and other skin diseases.
Marigolds have long been one of the most popular treatments  for superficial burns, scratches and other skin injuries.
Then you will learn how this ointment works and how you can make it yourself at home. Read on to learn more about it.

Ointment with beeswax


This natural ointment can replace many commercially available products against scars, blemishes and skin injuries.

It is suitable for all skin types and is also an excellent choice for treating sensitive children’s skin 


  • ½ cup beeswax (100 g)
  • ¼ cup cocoa butter (100 g)
  • ¼ cup marigold essential oil (50 g)
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E.
  • ¼ cup of olive oil (50 g)
  • ¼ cup of comfrey extract (50 ml)
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil


  • Melt the beeswax in a water bath.
  • Then add the cocoa butter, let it melt and stir everything well.
  • Now add the marigold oil and the olive oil.
  • Then mix everything well with a wooden spoon at a low temperature.
  • Now add the comfrey extract, vitamin E and lavender oil.
  • Turn down the temperature, wait a minute, and then remove the mixture from the stove.
  • Pour the liquid into a sealable container before it solidifies.
  • Keep this ointment in a fresh, dark place.
  • This ointment can be stored for up to a month.
  • Remember that the storage jar should be sterilized first so that the quality of the ointment is not compromised.


  • Massage some of the ointment onto the scar or injury until it is absorbed by the skin.
  • Repeat this application three times a day.

Do not forget!

ointment for skin irritation

As with other all-natural products, no instant miracles are to be expected. Those who want to achieve the desired results need to use the ointment regularly and be patient.

Even if all ingredients are completely natural,  you should first try out a small area of ​​skin to see if allergic reactions are to be expected.

If there is any irritation or discomfort, you’d better find another alternative.

Remember  that you can potentiate the effects of the ointment  by drinking enough water and using moisturizer. A healthy diet is also very important!

If you follow all of these recommendations, you will get good results after a while.

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