Nail Diseases – Causes And Treatment Options

Even if nail problems are usually not serious and easy to treat, they can indicate diseases and should therefore be considered.

Nail Diseases - Causes and Treatment Options

The hands are needed all the time and for everything. They are used for communication and are used continuously in work and other activities. However, there are many  nail diseases.

If you want beautiful hands, you have to take care of your fingernails accordingly, which is not always easy. Sometimes these are fragile and weakened by disease.

In this post we talk about various nail diseases that of course not only the fingernails but also the toenails can suffer from.

The most common nail diseases

Well-groomed nails are especially important for women. They are a sign of health and beauty. With a wrong diet, vitamin deficiency, nail fungus or inflammation, these can be weakened and brittle.

Below we go into more detail about various nail diseases and recommend different treatment options.

1. Onychomicosis

This fungal disease is bothersome and painful. Often the nail plate is lifted and it turns white-yellow, it can also lead to white spots. Another sign is the thickening of the skin around the nail. The nail becomes thicker, more fragile, and has grooves.


The doctor in charge can make a correct diagnosis  and find out which fungal disease it is (dermatophytes, yeast, etc.).

For dermatophytes, for example, various solutions or creams that are applied to the nails, as well as oral medication, are used.

In addition to the prescribed medication or ointment, the  following simple home remedies can be used: 

  • Mix three drops of tea tree oil with a spoon of olive oil  and apply to the affected area with a cotton swab. This treatment is carried out for 20 days. It is very easy to use, tea tree oil is available in every pharmacy or health food store.
  • Squeeze a lemon  and dip the affected nails in the juice. Use for 20 days.
  • Half a glass of apple cider vinegar is also very effective. Dip the affected nails into it and then dry them well. This method is very effective. Use for 10 days.

2. Ingrown nail

ingrown nail

When the outer edges of a toenail (almost always the big toe) grow into the skin, it can be very painful and cause infection.

An ingrown nail can be the result of an accident, for example if a heavy object falls on the toe, or through incorrect footwear, sport or simply a sensitive toe.


  • A small medical procedure is almost always necessary,  as the inflammation can be very serious.
  • As with other diseases, prevention is extremely important. Therefore, the nails should always be cut straight and not oval so that they cannot grow in.
  • Natural antibiotics can be used as home remedies  , which can reduce inflammation as well as cure it. Place a clove of garlic on the ingrown nail, secure it with a bandage and then let it work overnight. The affected area can also be treated with onion juice, which should work for at least 20 minutes. These treatments should be carried out every day for a week, then dry the toe well. Salt water baths are also very effective. Fill a foot bath with water and 5 spoons of sea salt and bathe your feet in it for 20 minutes.

3. Chipping of the nails


Chipping nails are a common problem. But how does it come about? If the nails split off in individual layers, this is not only annoying and unattractive, but also a sign of a health problem.

These can be thyroid problems, inadequate hydration, contact with chemical products, poor nutrition, too little sleep, stress or anxiety, etc. This should not be forgotten.


It is best to get a medical exam first to find out what is causing the problem.

In the meantime, it is advisable to consume more calcium and sufficient vitamins A, B and D and to avoid foods that prevent proper absorption (e.g. coffee).

Sufficient fluids and fresh fruit and vegetables are also recommended. The following tips should also be observed:

  • Do not use cheap or bad nail polish  as it may contain chemical products that are harmful to the nails.
  • There are specific nail products  for treating chipped nails that  should be used at least three times a week. These are available in pharmacies.
  • Do not remove the nail splinters so as not  to damage the nails further.
  • Soak your nails in apple cider vinegar for 3 minutes,  then at least twice a week.
  • A simple solution is recommended to strengthen and moisturize the nails:  apply a little olive oil,  this is very effective and healthy.

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