Medicinal Plants For Good Intestinal Health

Different habits determine the health of our digestive system. If there are too many pollutants, they are excreted by the body in order to maintain balance.

Medicinal plants for good intestinal health

Discomfort, inflammation, constipation, irritable bowel … there are many diseases that are related to the intestines. Intestinal health is very important for unere health in general.

This is part of the digestive system and is responsible for ensuring that all nutrients are correctly absorbed and harmful substances are excreted.

It is therefore crucial to take care of the intestines, to cleanse them and to rid them of toxins. In this article, you will learn which medicinal plants can help maintain intestinal health .

How do I know if bowel care is necessary?

  • It’s easy to find out. Flatulence, constipation, stomach pain, diarrhea and also a white tongue and a strange taste in the mouth, which indicate intestinal problems, often develop .
  • Be prepared for stress, too. As you know, lifestyle is also extremely important to gut health. There are many nerves in this area, which can then change the state of health in different ways.
  • You should cleanse the colon regularly and rid it of toxins. The small intestine, for example, has the task of nourishing the blood and if it is contaminated with pollutants, these also get into the blood. This is dangerous. Symptoms for this are, for example, dry, sallow skin, skin problems, kidney pain, liver problems or great tiredness.

The intestinal health: medicinal plants against gastroenteritis


Almost everyone has suffered from it at some point. Gastroenteritis can occur if the lining of the intestine becomes inflamed due to infection or the build-up of pollutants.

The organism is attacked by pathogenic microorganisms, which then burden the entire digestive tract. Diarrhea, vomiting, fever etc. occur.

What can help

In this case,  anti-inflammatory, astringent and emollient  medicinal plants can help. In the first few days you shouldn’t consume solid foods, so herbal teas are a very good treatment option.

1. Marshmallow (Althaea)

Marshmallow has an anti-inflammatory effect and also contains excellent mucilage. You can find this plant in health food stores. For tea, you only need one spoon per cup of water. You can drink two cups a day.

2. Peppermint and green aniseed

The combination of peppermint and green anise  has a pain relieving effect, provides you with fluids, and then gradually heals the intestinal inflammation. 

Use a spoonful of the medicinal plant for a cup of tea. Let the tea brew briefly and then drink it slowly, up to 3 cups a day.

3. Black tea with lemon

This is a classic method against gastroenteritis. This tea supplies the organism with moisture, helps against diarrhea, pain and heaviness and reduces inflammation.

Make yourself a black tea, then add a few drops of lemon juice.

The intestinal health: medicinal plants against colitis

pain colitis

Colitis is inflammation of the large intestine. This leads to abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc. In difficult cases, blood and pus can also occur.

This disease can also be caused by pathogenic microorganisms and as a side effect of a drug.

What can help

To cure this disease, medicinal plants with a balancing effect are needed to protect the intestinal flora.

In addition, plants against diarrhea and with an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect are very helpful in curing intestinal complaints caused by colitis.

1. Eucalyptus tea

Eucalyptus is highly recommended for colitis. This plant is able to absorb toxins accumulated in the intestines  so 2-3 cups a day is recommended.

You can find eucalyptus in health food stores. You will need 4 – 5 leaves for a cup of tea. This will do you very well.

2. Thyme tea

Thyme is readily available and very tasty and effective. It is characterized by the fight against putrefaction in the intestine, which is why it is excellent for  inflammation, toxins and bacteria.

Take two cups a day, at breakfast and before dinner. You only need a teaspoon of thyme, which you then let steep in hot water for 5 minutes. Drink the tea slowly.

Medicinal plants against intestinal colic


Colic colic is caused by a blockage in the digestive tract. This leads to cramps in the intestinal muscles and sometimes inflammation and irritable bowel syndrome. These diseases are very troublesome and painful.

What can help

This requires plants that have an antispasmodic effect in order to relax the muscles and prevent this extreme bowel movement, which hinders the elimination of stool.

Which medicinal herbs can help here? A combination of different herbs is particularly effective, read on.

1. Tea made from flaxseed, lemon balm and chamomile

The taste is smooth and exquisite. This is an extremely effective remedy for relieving colic and improving digestion that is antispasmodic and soothing. Both the flaxseed and lemon balm and chamomile are readily available.

Add one tea bag from each plant to two cups of boiling water. Let the tea steep for 5 minutes, then drink a cup of it every five hours. The cramps will calm down and the discomfort will be healed. This tea is very pleasant and healthy.

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