Make Hand Balm Yourself!

The hands are often neglected and forgotten in day care, so that they often reveal the age. Care for them with the homemade hand balm!

Make hand balm yourself!

The hands are our figurehead, from them you can read the real age of a person. Often, however, the hands are neglected in the care. Especially in winter, the skin often cracks open, the cuticle tears and the skin becomes rough and reddened. A hand  balm will help against this.

Try this homemade hand balm to nourish your skin!

Hand balm made from natural ingredients

The recipe for the homemade hand balm is very simple and uses just a few ingredients.

The finished balm is particularly suitable for protecting the skin of your hands from drying out in cold or dry heated air.

Of course, the balm is not only effective on the hands, but also on other parts of the body where your skin is damaged. For example on your feet, elbows or shins, where the skin is also happy to receive an extra dose of care. The ingredients are simple:

  • Beeswax
  • Coconut oil
  • sesame oil
Coconut oil

Cosmetic properties of coconut oil

Coconut oil has been known and proven as an effective beauty product in its countries of origin for millennia and generations.

Coconut oil is nothing but the fat of the coconut. It is extracted from the white pulp of the nuts and is solid at room temperature, but melts at body temperature, which makes it ideal as a cosmetic.

In skin care, coconut oil is used to retain moisture in the skin by creating a protective film over the skin.

It is not absorbed very well by the skin, which provides the protective effect. This is particularly important if you want to protect the skin from the elements, such as the cold.

Coconut oil is perfect for hair and skin care in winter!

Sesame oil in skin care

In India, where women show the most impressive hair lengths, sesame oil is an all-rounder in beauty care.

We also use it as the basis for many hair oils. Sesame oil nourishes intensively and also penetrates deep into the skin. It therefore ensures intensive care.



Beeswax is the substance bees use to form their honeycombs. When the beekeeper harvests the honey from the honeycombs, beeswax is left over. You can use it to make delicious smelling beeswax candles or use it as a basis for cosmetic products.

Beeswax covers the skin like a protective film and prevents moisture from being drawn away from the skin in cold or dry air. High-quality cold protection creams therefore usually contain beeswax as a natural means of protecting the skin.

Hand balm

Hand balm recipe

To make an extremely nourishing hand balm that prevents the skin of your hands from drying out and gives them back their youthful appearance, you only have to buy these three ingredients.

You can usually find all three in excellent quality in well-stocked health food stores. Make sure that you buy cosmetic- grade beeswax and not for making candles! For a jar of hand balm you will need:

  • 60g beeswax
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
  • 8 tablespoons of coconut oil

You now need a water bath to gently mix these three ingredients together. Either you have a special pot, a “bain marie”, or you just take a large pot with hot water and hang a small pot or bowl in it.

Add all three ingredients together in the small saucepan in a double boiler and heat gently so that the coconut oil and beeswax melt slowly.

Keep stirring, being careful not to get any water into your oil mixture.

Only when all the ingredients have melted together well and you can no longer see streaks, pour the balm into a jar or screw-top jar and let it cool down. Apply it to your hands regularly to keep the skin looking youthful!

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