Juices And Teas To Cleanse The Arteries

Lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet can narrow or clog the arteries. Therefore you should make sure you eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise!

Juices and teas for cleaning the arteries

Bad lifestyle habits (e.g. too many harmful fats, obesity, sedentariness, etc.) can narrow or clog the arteries over time.

In today’s post, we’ll explain why this is happening and what the consequences are. We’ll also introduce you to teas and juices that can help you naturally cleanse your arteries .

Why do the arteries clog?

Over the years, fat builds up in our arteries. This forms a kind of plaque on the artery walls, the arteries become blocked and lose their elasticity.

Certain factors influence this serious problem:

  • nicotine
  • high cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • high blood pressure
  • Long periods of sitting
  • obesity
  • Type II diabetes
  • stress
  • increased consumption of saturated fat
  • Genetic predisposition

What risk do we take?

Gradual clogging of the arteries is a serious health problem:  it makes blood and oxygen supply more difficult, which can lead to chest tightness or heart attack.

So it is best to avoid risk factors. The following drinks can also help to naturally cleanse the arteries.


This medicinal plant has been known since ancient times for its heart and arterial protective properties. It contains valuable flavonoids, minerals, dopamine and other substances that dilate the  heart arteries and promote blood flow. 

That is why it is also used for palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias and high blood pressure.

Since hawthorn also relaxes the nervous system, it can help against sleep disorders.

This medicinal plant is taken as a tea.



Chamomile is one of the most famous medicinal plants. It has a relaxing effect and aids digestion. What is rather unknown, however, is that chamomile also has dilatory and anti-inflammatory properties, which has a positive effect on veins and arteries. This promotes blood circulation.

Chamomile also helps against high blood pressure.

Chamomile for healthy arteries


Celery is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals such as zinc and selenium, so it protects arterial health. This vegetable also contains phthalides, which relax and widen the arteries. This also promotes blood circulation.

Celery has laxative effects and removes pollutants and excess fluids. The juice tastes particularly delicious in combination with apple, pear or pineapple.

Always use the tender and green perennials, if possible from organic cultivation.


This sweet and refreshing fruit hides excellent properties for our artery health. It helps regulate blood pressure and dilates the blood vessels. This reduces the risk of blood clots and regulates the cardiovascular system. This is due to the potassium it contains.

The pear contains a lot of water and sugar, so no additional sweetener is required.

If the pears are organically grown, the nutritious peel can also be used.

Pear for healthy arteries


The properties of the pineapple are similar to those of the pear: this tropical fruit is also rich in potassium and  regulates blood pressure. It also helps you lose weight.

The pineapple can be eaten straight, but we recommend the fresh juice to get the most out of all its advantages. This tastes delicious and is easy to prepare. Pay attention to the quality of the fruit!

The pineapple peel can be used to prepare pineapple water –  this is also very healthy!

Also try the combination of celery, pineapple and pear – it tastes great too!

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