Japanese Relaxation Method Against Stress

The consequences are often difficulties in performing daily activities and physical and emotional health problems. 

Japanese relaxation method against stress

It is a big problem for many: hectic work, obligations at home, personal problems, illnesses, etc. can trigger stress or feelings of fear. What helps against stress.

The consequences are often difficulties in performing daily activities and physical and emotional health problems. 

There are various techniques and therapies for coping with stress in order to prevent these situations from degenerating and complicating everyday life.

It is important to control stress right from the start, because if it is ignored,  chronic complaints can occur, which often have to be treated with drugs or special therapies.

So that stress does not have a chance to determine your everyday life, we recommend a simple Japanese relaxation method  today,  which can balance the energy balance and relieve emotional and physical pain.

How does this method work?

There are numerous pressure points on the hand that are connected to the organs of the body. Each finger represents a feeling or an attitude.

The individual fingers are held and massaged by the opposite hand to remove unwanted, negative feelings.

Before moving on to the next finger, it is important to feel the pulse beats or a tingling sensation in your finger. Then you will find out which finger represents which feelings: 

  • Thumb:  The thumb massage helps with worries and nervousness.
  • Index finger:  Good against feelings of fear.
  • Middle finger:  Helps against anger, anger and indignation.
  • Ring finger:  This is associated with feelings such as sadness and depression. He then also helps to make decisions.
  • Little finger:  The massage of the little finger helps against fear, creates more optimism and then removes arrogance.

This simple technique combines several concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine and can then be used by anyone at home.

The Japanese finger pressure massage is an  excellent  method for self-discovery, relaxation and harmonization of body and mind. 

More natural solutions to stress

stress shake

In addition to this Japanese anti-stress relaxation method, you can use natural alternatives  to manage negative emotions.

  • Breathing exercises:  Various studies have shown that deep breathing reduces the level of cortisol (stress-producing hormone)  and works against tension and anxiety.
  • Aromatherapy:  This method also helps to relax and counteract negative emotions and stress. Fragrances such as lavender, marjoram, lemon verbena, orange, chamomile etc.  have calming effects that are excellent against stress and anxiety.
  • Herbal teas:  There are numerous very recommendable, soothing medicinal herbs. These include, for example, lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena, linden blossom, valerian, chamomile and passion flower –  these are excellent for treating stress, depression, anger, anxiety, insomnia and other negative feelings.
  • Laughter:  One of the best remedies for stress is laughter. Various studies have shown that laughing reduces hormones and other substances that cause stress, anxiety, and pain, and a recent study found that laughter is mildly pain reliever – similar to aspirin –  and is therefore excellent for pain, stress, and anxiety helps.
  • Eye Exercise:  Stress also affects eyesight  and can then lead to bothersome tension and headaches. To prevent this from happening, it is important to exercise your eyes and relax. Move away from the computer and then concentrate on an object (a picture, a tree, a plant …) for 30 seconds. If you lose the object, focus on it again. Then wink two or three times. You should do this exercise several times a day.

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