Japanese Diet For Weight Loss

The Japanese diet is based on rice, vegetables and fish. Not only can you incorporate this healthy diet into your everyday life, other lifestyle habits such as meditation, walks and enjoying simple things are also highly recommended.

Japanese diet for weight loss

Can you use  Japanese food  to lose weight? There are many studies on this subject.

Fresh foods, small amounts, plant-based drinks, rice, fish … all of these are simple delicacies that will help you lose weight. In this post we take a closer look at the  Japanese diet .

The secrets of the Japanese diet

Sushi recipe

1. A long-lived society with almost no obesity

Statistics show that people in Japan live longer. The  secret for this lies not only in diet, but also in other lifestyle habits.

Although the population is very work-oriented, recreational methods are available to them to enjoy nature, to relax, and in this way to adopt new little healthy habits day by day.

It is rather uncommon to meet overweight people in Japan. Only 3% of the female population are overweight.

Why? Is it maybe the raw salmon? Or is it the Indian sesame that you use to absorb strength and energy? Most Japanese people stick to simple rules, which we’ll look at below.

2. What is traditional Japanese food like?

  • The first rule is very simple, because the Japanese always eat fresh food and in small portions. The dishes are also characterized by quality, not quantity. In the traditional Japanese diet, processed ready meals, refined flour and fatty dishes are avoided.
  • It is also  l ate angsam and with pleasure. Every bite is eaten without hurry and therefore enjoyed. Upset stomach is a foreign word here.  The Japanese put a lot of effort into arranging the dishes, because the eyes eat too.
  • The Japanese do not consume dairy products. They are also not very fond of bread or meat. They are more inclined to eat rice, vegetables, and fish. Fresh fruit in small portions is also an important part of the Japanese diet.
  • The most important meal of the day is breakfast. You start the day with very varied dishes: vegetables, rice, soups, eggs and healthy green tea are a must.

Japanese diet for weight loss

Rice plate on pad with chopsticks
  • Rice is fundamental. Whole grain rice whenever possible.
  • Soup noodles : There are Japanese specialties that are ideal for an oriental diet plan (udon, somen, ramen, soba …). These are made from different types of wheat, are healthy and contain hardly any carbohydrates. Many are also suitable for people with celiac disease. A healthy option that you should definitely try.
  • Fruits, especially Fuji apples, persimmon and mandarins. Delicious, isn’t it?
  • Fish such as B. mackerel or salmon
  • Soy, millet, tofu. .. they’re high in calcium and protein, some healthy and beneficial dairy alternatives. They are also rich in antioxidants. They reduce the bad cholesterol level in the blood and prevent diabetes. Simply ideal!
  • Green tea  is very healthy and also helps with fat loss.
  • Vegetables:  eggplant, bean sprouts, red beans, mushrooms, cabbage, ginger, pumpkin, potatoes, bamboo shoots, radish and seaweed.

    Various suggestions

    This is what the nutrition plan with Japanese dishes could look like. Japanese food offers a lot of options because it is very easy to prepare and also tastes great.

    All food that is used should be fresh. The dishes are nicely prepared and you can play with the colors. Eating and enjoying slowly is also very important.

    We recommend eating Japanese dishes for at least 10 days so that you can hopefully get the results you want. These are healthy and will help you lose weight.


    Japanese miso mushroom soup
    • tangerine
    • cup of miso broth : Miso can be found in specialist shops and also in health food stores. This typical Japanese soup provides a lot of energy, but is still low in fat. Incidentally, it consists of a fish stock, tofu, seaweed, miso (a flavored soy paste) and spring onions.
    • 1 cup of green tea 

    Having lunch

    Colorful variations of sushi
    • 1 plate of sushi (raw fish with rice), with soy sauce
    • Cup of vermicelli with mushrooms
    • apple
    • Cup of green tea


    Japanese green tea
    • Selection of sashimi (by the way, this is a plate with different types of fish), with soy sauce and wasabi (be careful, this water horseradish paste is very hot).
    • 1 bowl of whole grain rice
    • orange
    • a cup of green tea

    In addition, Japanese mediation techniques, sufficient exercise (walking or cycling) as well as enjoying simple, little things are recommended. 

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