Is It Possible To Prevent Breast Cancer? 6 Tips

There are no preventive measures that can completely prevent breast cancer. However, a healthy lifestyle and following medical advice can contribute to a good quality of life.

Is it possible to prevent breast cancer?  6 tips

Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the world, according to statistics from the  National Institute of Cancer  . In most cases, the tumor starts from the mammary glands or the milk ducts. It remains a serious, worrying disease that mostly affects women. The question therefore arises whether it is possible to prevent breast cancer .

Advances in medicine and technology make treatment easier and improve the chances of success, but early detection is still essential to providing a cure for breast cancer. According to the experts at the AECC (Spanish Association against Cancer), breast cancer can practically always be cured if it is detected early.

It is therefore important to go to the doctor at the first possible signs and to attend regular check-ups. Mammograms and self-examinations are essential.

In addition, healthy lifestyle habits are recommended as a  preventive measure against breast cancer,  even if this only reduces the risk but cannot always prevent the disease.

Causes of Breast Cancer

The causes of breast cancer have not yet been clearly clarified, but various risk factors are known that increase the risk of disease. When malignant cells multiply, they can spread to entire breast tissue and form metastases that  can spread through the blood and lymph vessels.

  • In most cases, malignant cells begin to grow in the milk ducts. In this case one speaks of an invasive ductal carcinoma.
  • If the tumor originates from the mammary glands, it is called an invasive lobular carcinoma.
  • Other areas of breast tissue can also develop tumor cells.

Risk factors

Hormonal, environmental, and genetic factors can all increase the risk of breast cancer. But there is still insufficient research into  why the disease develops in some and not in others. 

The following factors increase the risk of developing breast cancer:

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Radiation exposure
  • First menstruation at a very early age
  • The first pregnancy after the age of 30 years
  • Very early menopause
  • Hormone therapy (after menopause)
  • Family history of breast cancer
  • Women are at greater risk (men can also have breast cancer, but women are more likely to suffer from it).
  • Advanced age  (the risk of breast cancer increases over time).

    Symptoms of breast cancer

    Breast cancer prevention

    The following symptoms can occur in breast cancer:

    • Breast lump
    • Change in the size and shape of the breast
    • Skin changes in the chest area
    • Retracted nipple
    • Skin changes or ulceration on the nipple
    • Redness in the chest area
    • mastitis

    Recommendations for prevention against breast cancer

    It is a very complex disease. Certain risk factors can be reduced, but definitive prevention is not possible.

    However, the following recommendations can help reduce the risk.

    1. Exercise in the prevention of breast cancer

    Exercise in the prevention of breast cancer

    Active women are less at risk of developing this disease. Physical activity helps maintain a balanced level of estrogen,  which is essential for a woman’s health!

    2. Prevent obesity

    The more fatty tissue there is, the greater the risk of a tumor. For this reason, you should keep your weight healthy. Appropriate lifestyle habits and a varied, balanced diet play a fundamental role in this. 

    3. Limit alcohol consumption

    Alcohol consumption has a variety of negative effects on health. Especially if you belong to the risk group, you should therefore definitely limit your alcohol consumption!

    4. Breastfeeding

    Breastfeeding as a preventive measure against breast cancer

    Not only is breastfeeding very healthy for babies to provide them with the right nutrients,  it is also important in preventing breast cancer  and other serious diseases.

    5. Monthly self-examination

    Regular breast self-examinations are of the utmost importance in prevention! In this way, lumps or other changes in the breast that could indicate breast cancer can be detected at an early stage.

    6. Genetic testing to prevent breast cancer

    Genetic test

    If your family has a history of breast cancer,  it might be a good idea to get a breast cancer genetic test to see how much you are at risk of actually developing it. The doctor can then determine whether preventive treatment is required.

    Are you worried because you have  different risk factors? If you have any reasons to suspect breast cancer, get a specialist examination and carry out the appropriate analyzes.

    In general, you can reduce the chances of getting it if you stick to the recommendations mentioned and lead a healthy life. Don’t forget to consult your doctor if you have any doubts!

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