Is It Better To Drink Warm Water?

The temperature is less important than the mineralization of the water

Is It Better To Drink Warm Water?

In many cultures it is a tradition  to drink warm water. And here in the country too, many swear by drinking a glass of warm water in the morning . But what does this do in the body?

We are made of water

The human body of an adult consists of 65% water, the brain even more than 80%! Only 2% water loss leads to a reduced ability to concentrate and other changes in your body.

A fluid deficit in the body is usually the simplest cause of many physical complaints such as headaches, digestive problems, circulatory problems, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, decreased performance and more.

In order to maintain all body functions, our body always needs enough fluid. Best in the form of pure water without additives.

Woman drinks warm water

Is Mineral Water Better?

Make sure the water you drink is rich in minerals. This can also be tap water! Ask the water authority for a chemical analysis of the mineral content of the water that comes out of your tap.

It pays to compare the labels in the supermarket with a little time. Take the water that has the highest mineral content. If you don’t like it, choose the one with the second highest mineral content. In this way, when you drink, you supply your body with important minerals that it needs to keep its bodily functions upright!

Hot bottled water

So many varieties!

Anyone in the beverage market is almost overwhelmed by the large selection of water bottles. But not everything that is bottled is mineral water! Although it is called colloquially, of course.

There are different qualities of water. On the one hand, tap water and, on the other hand, commercially available bottled water. This is also available in different qualities.

  • Table water : This is the lowest quality level. Before you spend money on table water, it is better to use tap water, as it can even be more mineral-rich. Bottled water is, roughly speaking, bottled tap water that does not contain enough minerals to be called mineral water.
  • Mineral water : arises from a natural source and must meet minimum requirements for mineral content. These are regulated by law. Depending on the surrounding rock from which the spring rises, the mineral content of the water varies enormously. A comparison of the labels of different mineral waters reveals the sometimes big differences! Mineral waters help you to meet your mineral needs in everyday life.
  • Medicinal water : This also comes from a spring and, due to its composition, has an officially confirmed health benefit. Depending on the ingredients, it can have different healing effects. Here, too, it is worth comparing the labels!
Woman drinks warm water

How much water do people need?

The rule of thumb for what water you need to consume every day is very simple: it should be around 40 ml of water per kilo of body weight. So if you weigh 60 kg, your personal drinking amount per day is 2.4 liters. With 70 kg that would be 2.8 liters, with 80 kg 3.2 liters and so on.

These values ​​increase if you do sports, sweat, travel in dry mountain air, with dry heating air or if you take dehydrating medication.

Make sure that the amount you drink each day is definitely calorie-free so that your hydration does not affect your hips!

A small calculation example: 2.5 liters of apple juice spritzer add up to 700 calories, which is almost more than a complete meal that you then simply drink in addition.

Woman drinks warm water from cup

Is Warm Water Healthier?

The answer will surprise you: the temperature of the water doesn’t matter. So hot and cold water are equally healthy and unhealthy.

Know that most of the negative things attributed to cold water belong in the realm of fairy tales and rumors.

There is a rumor that this fat from the food would turn back into a solid state and therefore the digestion would be blocked. This is nonsense, you would have to swallow a sack of ice cubes.

Furthermore, one reads that cold water contracts the gastric juice glands and thus hinders digestion. That too is nonsense, there is always gastric juice in the stomach, digestion begins with the first bite. A glass of cold water cannot change that.

A glass of warm water, on the other hand, does not help mobilize fats or flush out toxins. The temperature doesn’t matter, the quality is much more important. And we are sure that the next time you visit the supermarket or the drinks dealer, you will study the labels carefully.

Also, whether the water is carbonated or not has no effect on your health.  Only we Central Europeans drink sparkling water anyway, the rest of the world has precious little left for it, because the water that springs from nature’s springs “tickles” extremely rarely!

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