Is Cold Water Unhealthy?

Cold water helps regulate body temperature after sporting activities. It also quickly supplies the body with the necessary fluids, as it is better absorbed by the bloodstream.

Is Cold Water Unhealthy?

In our article we would like to tell you about cold water and your health.

The misconception that frequent drinking of cold water – especially after eating – can cause serious illnesses (such as cancer) is heard again and again.

This is due to the assumption that cold water hardens the consumed fats and thus makes digestion more difficult. Many think that this process triggers reactions in the stomach and intestines that can promote cancer cells.

Cold water and your health : What the doctors say

Various specialists recommend the consumption of cold water, especially after sporting activities,  as this regulates body temperature.

Other doctors assert that cold water forces the body to use more energy to warm up and therefore this water is lost.

But sometimes we use cold water really wrong. For example, if  the fever rises, some take a cold bath, but a lukewarm or hot bath would be far better. 

Otherwise it could lead to chills and a further rise in body temperature as a protective reaction. Drinking cold water also provokes the same negative reaction in this case.

Cold water and your health: the real problem

Everyone has heard countless times that sufficient water – 2 liters per day is recommended – is very important for health. Those who drink too much or too little can suffer from various ailments.

But every person is different: you can check whether you are really drinking enough or not enough with  your urine. If this is dark, you are drinking too little, if it is light, you are drinking enough water.

You shouldn’t forget that urine is usually a little darker in the morning (right after getting up). Of course, thirst also indicates whether you should drink more or not.

If the body demands water, it should get it too – regardless of whether it is cold or warm.

What is really important for our health is the amount of water and the quality. Most of the water consumed should be natural, without artificial flavor (e.g. additives such as a mint leaf or a lemon wedge are allowed) and without sweeteners.

The benefits of cold water



The most important benefit of drinking cold water is of course providing the body with the fluids it needs, but there are also temperature-related benefits:

  • Allegedly helps with weight loss:  When drinking cold water, the body temperature drops and the organism has to burn calories in order to regulate the temperature.
  • This is how you reduce your body temperature:  As already mentioned, the body warms up during sporting activities. If you then drink cold water, you can return to normal body temperature more quickly.
  • Faster hydration:  After exercising, the body needs more fluids. This supposedly absorbs the cold water faster, which is beneficial in this case.

Sufficient water is – regardless of the temperature – of great importance for general health and our well-being. 

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